Organic Traffic and Why it is Important

Organic Traffic and Why it is Important

Organic traffic is the traffic that comes to your website from the unpaid sources/searches such as Bing, Google, and Yahoo.

It plays a great role in the success of the business. Therefore, its importance cannot be neglected.

Research shows that it represents over 60% of the total traffic on the website.

The whole SEO industry is built around organic search traffic to improve the organic ranking of the website owner’s.

In this article, I will present you with the benefits or, rather the importance, of relying on the traffic that comes from the organic searches

Importance of Organic Traffic

Real human traffic: Sometimes in paid traffic, you will get clicks from other sources such as automated machines. For instance, in PPC some people may use software to increase their click in an attempt of earning more.

This is not human traffic, and it will have no conversion rate at the end of the day. Therefore, implementing organic SEO in your website, you are sure of getting real visitors and traffic from real humans, not automated crawlers or visitors.

Permanent ranking: The amount of visitors coming from the paid traffic will dry up if there is no consistency in promotion to draw the traffic to the website.

If you rank your website using the natural and organic techniques, it will be hard for your competitors to outdo your performance on the search engines.

Because of the quality of your website, in terms of content, you will enjoy regular visitors all the time.

As long as you can meet the needs of your clients, the ranking of your website will continue to improve. It will remain evergreen and relevant to the search engines.

A reliable source of the market share: Today, almost everyone is checking online to get the reviews and rating of a product before making any purchase.

With continued growth and improvement in technology, a majority of people will be using the search engines to look for products and services they need. Therefore, if you want to make more sales, you must create a reliable and trustable online presence so that people can locate your business’ products and services.

Lack of online presence will only give your competitors an edge in the market.

A website becomes valuable to Google: The largest amount of internet traffic comes from Google. Normally, the objective of the SEO is to improve the ranking of the website on various search engines.

If your website contains valuable information or content for the public, Google will favor your website.

Implementing organic SEO will increase the chances of ranking higher in Google, the number one search engine.

Better conversion rate: If you optimize the keywords of your product or services, or you have a compelling content describing your service, you will rank well in the search engines and increase the chances of people accessing your website.

You will enjoy increased traffic on your web page that can lead to higher conversions.

The more the traffic, the higher the conversion rate you will expect.

Long-term results: Although the PPC campaign produces quick results, it is not evergreen.

The results from organic traffic last for a long time as opposed to the results of the PPC driven campaign, which ends when the budget runs out or after the campaign is over.

Cost-effective: Organic SEO does not require an expensive investment.

It does not involve buying the expensive software and programs for analyzing the keyword, spinning the articles, or for building automated links.

If you employ organic techniques, you will never have to incur the cost of buying such software and programs.

Visitors will land on your web page via the normal searches in the leading search engines. The secret is just optimizing the keywords.

Other benefits of organic driven traffic include high ranking on the search engines, trust and credibility, and inbound marketing.

The traffic that comes from organic searches is extremely important. As mentioned above, it plays an important role in the success of your business.

You can boost organic traffic by using long tail keywords in the search engines to ensure you have a better ranking. Creating quality content and blogging can help boost your organic traffic.

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