Reason you should change your pajamas more frequently

Woman in pajamas

Pajamas are one type of clothes that only for indoor use. Pajamas usually consist of two pieces of clothing, although some are the pajamas made up of one piece. Typically used by children, but adults people are too, especially in winter.

On average, how long you wear the same pajamas to sleep at night? Based on the survey, the men admitted to using the same pajamas for 13 days in a row. While the women admitted to using the same pajamas for 17 days in a row. Wearing the same pajamas every night in a row is a habit that many people do, but do you know if these habits can be bad for your health?

Here are reasons why you should change your pajamas clothes more frequently

Trouble on sleeping

Pajamas that are not replaced more than a week would cause problems when used for sleep. One of them is itching. Surely you do not want your sleep to be disturbed because of itching, isn't it? Clean and comfortable pajamas will make your sleep comfortable.

Susceptible to disease 

If you get abdominal pain or flu, it could be that your dirty pajamas are the cause. When you wear dirty pajamas, you will make the immune system continues to fight staph bacteria, germs, as well as cause problems in the upper respiratory. These things will make your body's defenses become weak and consequently make you susceptible to disease.

Senseless than fresh

Wearing dirty pajamas when sleep will make you feel less refresh in the morning. This happens to those who often take a bath in the evening. Changing your pajamas directly with your work clothes in the morning will make you feel dirty and smelly, and you will end up feeling dirty too.

Cysts and pimple

When you rarely change your pajamas, it means that you are allowing the bacteria, oil and dead skin cells lodged and breed in the fabric that you wear. It will stick in your pores, blocking pores and cause acne and cysts.

In order for your health to be properly maintained, ideally replace your pajamas every 2 days.

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