What makes college graduation the best day ever

What makes college graduation the best day ever

Graduation day is the culmination of all the time, energy, and work that you have put into gaining your qualification, and it gives you a great chance to celebrate all that you have achieved. Without it, finishing your qualification doesn’t have that one big defining moment to remember for years to come; you can hand in your last assignment or put down your pen after finishing your last exam, but it just doesn’t have that same excitement surrounding it.

This once-in-a-lifetime experience gives you the chance to dress up in your cap and gown and attend a ceremony celebrating the enormity of your achievement whilst surrounded by your friends, family, and classmates. It is a brilliant way to highlight the end of this amazing chapter in your life.

I’m scared I’ll embarrass myself on the day. Is it really necessary to attend?

There are so many reasons to attend your graduation ceremony, which outweigh the fear of tripping whilst walking across the stage and embarrassing yourself. Focus on these when you make your decision to go:

Graduation is not an everyday event.

Graduating is not something that you get to do every day. It isn’t even something that everybody gets to do in their lifetimes. It is a really special event. It allows you to brush away the stress of years of hard work and that lingering feeling that you have forgotten to do something, and celebrate with the people who have been on this journey with you. Even if you are lucky enough to get the chance to graduate again, it will not be for this achievement right now. Take this moment to appreciate your achievement and recognize its importance.

This may be the last time you and your coursemates are all together.

This may be something a little sad to hear, but, after graduation, people move on to new things, whether that be new jobs or education. People promise to stay in touch, but life can get in the way, and you definitely won’t be seeing them like in class every day. This is a moment dedicated to celebrating with the people who have been on this journey with you, reminiscing about all the amazing memories you have made, before wishing each other luck for the future.

Graduation is a landmark event.

Graduation becomes a landmark memory in your own timeline. It is a symbolisation that things are changing and that your life will now be different. You will be in different environments, with different people and it is really nice to celebrate what you have achieved so far in your life, and appreciate the memories this part of your education has given you. It may have been challenging, but you overcame it all to be in this moment right now.

Your friends and family get to celebrate you too!

This isn’t just a day for you to feel proud of yourself; it is a day for your friends and family to be proud of you, too. They have seen your journey to and through university and know how much work you have put into earning this achievement. They can be there to witness you receive your certificate dressed in your cap and gown, and celebrate with you.

It is really fun!

What could be better than being surrounded by the people you love at an event put on to celebrate your achievements? Sometimes it is really necessary to take the time to celebrate and appreciate a milestone moment in your life by creating memories that you can think back on again and again.

If there is anything that you can take from all these arguments for attending your graduation, it is this: Don’t pass on your graduation day, it’s a day you’ll remember forever.

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