How to Connect to K.U WiFi (Eduroam)

Eduroam is an international project adopted by most learning institutions that works towards interlinked internet connectivity for all students.

Eduroam is an international Wi-Fi internet access roaming service for users in research, higher education, and further education.

Eduroam allows students, researchers, and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop or phone with Eduroam configured.

The basic principle underpinning the security of Eduroam is that the authentication of a user is carried out at his/her home institution using the institution’s specific authentication method. The authorization required to allow access to local network resources is carried out by the visited network.

Are you Visiting another institution?

If you are a student or member of staff and are going to another University that supports Eduroam, you can connect to the internet there without requiring additional credentials e.g when you visit MUT, KU, HAVARD, MAKERERE,  JKUAT, USIU, you will be able to connect to wifi called EDUROAM without asking for username and password. Eduroam wifi allows access at the participating institutions using the same credentials whenever they visit another institution supporting Eduroam.


Eduroam wifi is available for visitors who use Eduroam at their home institutions.

How to connect to Eduroam

It’s quite simple really, all you have to do is get a username (this is the corporate students' email address i.e. @students...) and password which I am going to explain how to get one below.

Before trying to connect to Eduroam, ensure you get your login credentials from the ICT Support team 

Let’s get to it!

First, you will need to get a corporate student’s email address. To do this, please visit the institution support and submit a ticket as follows:

Follow these instructions to submit a ticket: 

– Visit Support

Email submit ticket details – Fill in the ticket as given in this caption:

(This might take between 24-48 hours to be processed)

Assuming you now have the email address, you can now submit another ticket for your Eduroam username and password activation – do as directed below:

Follow these instructions to submit the ticket:

– Visit support and submit your Eduroam account activation details: follow the instructions.

(This might take between 24-48 hours to be processed)

Alternatively, you can send both tickets as one – this may however take a while to get resolved.

Now, to get connected you’ll use the user corporate email (@students... as your Eduroam username and the password you’ll be given by the institution support team, as your password. Go to your wireless icon and press connect on the Eduroam network. A pop-up will show up where you can enter the details as directed.

Connect to Eduroam (Android)

  1. On your Android device, go to Settings, then tap Wireless & networks, then Wi-Fi settings.
  2. Tap Eduroam.
  3. Make sure that for the EAP method, PEAP is selected.
  4. Tap Phase 2 authentication, and then select MSCHAPV2
  5. Enter:
    Username: Your NetID@students..., for example
    Password: Your NetID password. Sent to you after submitting a ticket to support.
    If asked for a Domain, enter the institution's website domain, in my case is (not all Android devices require a domain).
  6. CA certificate and User certificate are both Unspecified (or something like System defaults if Unspecified is not an option).
  7. Tap Connect
  8. If asked to accept the network access certificate, in my case certificate, click Yes.

Get connected today!! 

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