Best Performing SDA Schools in Kenya (+List of Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools)

Best Performing SDA Schools in Kenya (+List of Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools)
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is associated with over 8,515 learning institutions operating in over 100 countries across the world. These institutions boast over 1.95 million students worldwide.

In Kenya, a majority of schools are associated with churches.

Some of the schools associated with the SDA church have been known to perform well in national examinations both at primary and secondary levels.

They are also famed for instilling good moral principles in learners in line with the beliefs of the SDA church.

Today, this segment dives into some of the best-performing SDA secondary schools in Kenya.

Nyambaria High School

This is one of the best performing schools in the country, and has been for decades.

Nyambaria High School is a National School that was founded in 1966 and is located in Nyamira County.

It emerged as one of the best schools in Nyamira County in the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) results that were released recently.

The school posted a mean of 8.7624. 508 out of 543 candidates scored a C+ and above, thus gaining direct entries into university.

Kanga High School

This is a boys only boarding National School located in Rongo constituency, Migori county.

Kanga High School was founded by he late Internal security Permanent Secretary Hezekiah Oyugi in 1985.

The school had 303 students who sat for the 2020 KCSE exams. They recorded one of the best results in the country, posting a mean score of 9.0594.

289 of the 303 candidates scored above a C+, attaining a direct entry into university.

Karura SDA High School

The school as emerged as one of the best performing schools in Nairobi County and nationally.

In the recently released 2020 KCSE examination results, Karura SDA High School was among the top 100 schools in Nairobi and top 200 nationally.

The school posted a mean score of 8.4, with 75 per cent of its candidates attaining above a C+ to gain university entry.

Segero Adventist High School

The National School is based in Uasin Gishu County along Eldoret-Ziwa – Kitale road.

It has over the years posted impressive results in national examinations, featuring severally on the top 100 list of best performing schools.

Last year, the school posted mean score of 8.927 in the 2019 KCSE examinations.

Menyenya Mixed Adventist High School

This is an extra county school located in Borabu Constituency, Nyamira County.

The school was established in 1975 by the Seventh Day Adventist Church community.

Over the years, it has grown to become a reputable learning institution in the larger Kisii region and a top performer in Nyamira County.

List of Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools - East & Central Africa - Kenya

· Chebwai Adventist Secondary School, Western Kenya Conference

· Chuka Adventist secondary school, Tharaka Nithi, Meru

· Gatumbi SDA Primary and Secondary Schools, Central Kenya Conference, Kirinyaga County

· Kabokyek Adventist secondary school, Kericho

· Kagwathi Adventist Secondary School, SabaSaba, Murang'a County

· Kamagambo High School and Teachers' College, Kisii County

· Kanga High School, Ranen Conference, Migori County

· Karura Church School, Nairobi

· Kiirua Adventist Secondary School, Meru

· Kimolwet Mixed Adventist Secondary School, Nandi County

· Kiriiria Seventh-day Adventist Secondary School, Meru, Kenya

· Masii Seventh-day Adventist Secondary School, Masii

· Matutu Mixed Adventist Secondary School, Nyamira Conference

· Maxwell Adventist Academy, Mbagathi, Nairobi

· Menyenya Mixed Adventist High School, Nyamira Conference

· Mutitu Seventh-day Adventist Secondary School, Kikima

· Mweiga Adventist Secondary School, Central Kenya Conference, Nyeri County

· Nyambaria Adventist Secondary School, Nyamira Conference, Kenya

· Nyanchwa Adventist Secondary School, Kisii

· Nyangusu SDA Boarding Primary School, South Kenya Conference

· Ombogo Girls' Academy, Homa Bay, Kenya

· Omobera SDA Girls' High School, South Kenya Conference

· Ranen Mixed Adventist Secondary School, Awendo Kenya

· Rift Valley Adventist Secondary School, Molo

· Segero Baraton Adventist School, Baraton

· Segero Mixed Adventist Secondary School, Western Kenya Field
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