How to Connect to UoN WiFi (Chemichemi and Chemiweb)

How to Connect to University Of Nairobi (UoN) WiFi (Chemichemi and Chemiweb)

Requirements (Staff and Students)

  1. University of Nairobi email account
  2. Network Access Account
  3. Wifi enabled Laptop or Desktop


WiFi LANs employ unique labels called Service Set Identifiers (SSID) to distinguish one wireless LAN from another. You will observe two prominent SSIDs on your WiFi enabled laptop/PC while at the University hotspots; chemichemi and chemiweb. You may use either of the SSIDs. chemiweb is easier to set-up but less secure. chemichemi requires a few configurations, but secure.

Wifi Coverage Areas

  1. Halls of residence
  2. Main campus
  3. ADD, CCU
  4. Engineering (American Engineering Building)
  5. Chiromo campus
  6. Lower kabete campus

This site provides information about the University of Nairobi Wireless Network (Wifi). Here, you will find information about locations covered by the wifi, configuration of your laptops/PCs, accessing the internet and answers to common questions.

Creating a Network Access Account (Students)

Requirements for students

To access the wifi network, you need to create a Network Access Account which will be your identity on the network. The account will be in the following format: C01/12345/2010. The password will be sent to your UoN email account.

  1. Open the Create Network Access page
  2. Provide your registration number. Format: C01/12345/2010
  3. Provide your ID/Passport number *As supplied in the Students Management Information System (SMIS)
  4. Provide your UoN student email
  5. Type in the random code – CaSE SeNsItIVE
  6. Click on Login button to create your account
  7. If successful, your account will be created with the format C01/12345/2010 and password and log in instructions sent to your email account
  8. If NOT successful, confirm the format of your registration number, ID/Passport number or e-mail.

Configuring your Laptop/PC

  1. Open Wireless Network Connection
  2. Set your machine to obtain IP addresses automatically
  3. Wireless Security Settings
  4. Configure Browser Settings
  5. Connecting to the internet
  6. Windows XP – Step by step
  7. Windows 7 – Step by step

Accessing the Internet

At this point, the network status icon on the status bar (near time) should be showing connected.

  1. Open your browser
  2. Type the url of the website you want to access e.g.
  3. On the pop-up window Authentication Required
  4. For students user name: REGISTRATION NUMBER@students e.g. C01/12345/2010@students
  5. Type in your password (network access account password sent on email)
  • For staff user name: email@staff e.g. johndoef@staff
  • Type in your password (same one use for email).
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