How Mobile Apps Help Churches Grow

How Mobile Apps Help Churches Grow

Did you know that the average US consumer spends roughly 2 hours and 42 minutes on their phone?

You may think that mobile technology is unnecessary to your church, but considering those figures, are you certain? Churches have websites these days as well, and it only makes sense that you would want to be as mobile-optimized as possible for the members of your congregation.

That means being connected via smartphone through an easy-to-use app.

If you run a website for your Church, you already know that you need to be accessible. Responsive and up-to-date. Having an app can help you in all those areas.

We’ve listed a few reasons that you may want to consider:

• Many people rely solely on their mobile phones for information these days, so if you don’t have an app, a large portion of your church community could be missing out on your content. Using an app can provide them with content such as scheduling for classes and events, notes and copies of sermons, reminders, and more.

• You could add features that your members would find helpful and interactive, such as prayer requests, social media integration, a digital community wall, and more. You can sync your church app to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to provide content and updates.

• Users who missed Church could log into the app to catch up on the sermon or Sabbath school service they missed.

• New potential members would find your church app when searching for a new community to join, so member retention is another potential perk of having an app.

• One thing to consider when designing an app for your Church is to have a website first, and don’t start off too strong. Just add a few selective, easy features at a time for your members to get used to. Have a good, clean, informative website first and foremost, and get into designing the app after.

• Most Churches worry about the financial aspect of things like websites and apps. That is totally understandable. Fortunately for your Church, designing an app is easy and more cost-effective than you think.

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