Life-Saving Hot Shower Safety Tips You Should Know

Life-Saving Hot Shower Safety Tips You Should Know

Water heaters are one of the most common electrical appliances that are used in every home. They are such an integral part of our daily lives that we barely realize how dangerous they can be!

A water heater is a device that involves high temperature, water, and electricity at the same time. That means there’s always a chance of mishaps. And that is why we must take necessary precautions to ensure the utmost safety.

In this blog, we will provide you with relevant information about the most important safety measures that you must follow while using a water heater.

Professional installation

Many homeowners and landlords resort to installing shower heads for themselves in order to save on time and cost.

This is highly discouraged due to electrical issues that arise if the shower heads are not properly fitted.

If not properly installed, the shower head apart from electrocuting you, can also affect your shower experience as well as increase energy consumption.


Even if you have tasked a professional to do the job, make sure the right cables are used. Some electricians go for cheaper and low-quality cables to save money.

Ideally, shower heads require quality 2.5mm diameter cables to make sure they do not heat up and burn the insulating sheath to expose the wire carrying the current to the water which can be deadly.

While cabling do not mix up the earth and live wires during installation as it increases the possibility of being electrocuted.

Speaking exclusively to us, Jacob Nyambu who is a certified electrician explained why good cabling is essential during installation process.

"There is need to have a proper earthing during installation otherwise the instant shower becomes a danger to the user," he explained.

"If there is electric fault, it passes through the earth wire and should there not be one, your body acts as one and you get instantly electrocuted," he warns.

Nyambu further warned that the switch should always be placed outside the bathroom to prevent any chances of water getting in contact with the electric current.

"If the switch is to be placed inside, then it must be put on the ceiling and can be accessed through pulling a cord that does not conduct electricity," he advised. 


When installing the shower head, make sure that it is not lower than the head of the tallest person in the household.

This is very crucial to eliminate the risk of short-circuiting.

Routine Check-up

Just like any other electrical appliance, there is a need for routine check-ups to make sure the shower head is working optimally.

This can be achieved by testing the temperature/pressure relief valve, which is designed to keep the water heater from exploding if the temperature or pressure exceeds the safe limit. 

If you open the pressure relief valve and water does not flow freely, you should immediately replace the valve.

Monitor the temperature settings regularly

As much as you enjoy a hot shower, using extremely hot water is never a good idea. It is recommended to set your water temperature at 45-50 degrees Celsius. Make sure you keep checking the settings once in a while so that even if someone else changes it by mistake, you can fix it.

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