10 Things You Need to Know About the Hijab

10 Things You Need to Know About the Hijab

Why I Wear Hijab? 10 Reflections from a Woman Who is Proud about it!

Usually, I don't write on personal topics on LinkedIn, but since many people in diverse workplaces and communities asked me about it, and also some of you have met women who wear it, I thought I can share my own perspective that other women could relate to!

1- It’s first and foremost part of my faith. In my belief, it’s an act of pleasing God. As such, any point below is subordinate.

2- It’s not just a piece of fabric worn on the head (besides that the whole outfit should be modest), but it’s also a whole attitude and mentality. It applies to the way I behave or interact with others, and it promotes a bashful lifestyle.

3- It does not mean that I see myself more pious or better than any other woman who doesn’t wear it. Yes, appearances do matter, however, it’s not right to build our perception of others on their mere appearance. This religion teaches us that these calculations and the conclusion people make to determine other's value based on their outward good or bad deeds is the duty of God only, and not His creation. And that nobody knows what’s between someone and God, but God Himself.

4- It’s an act of rebellion against women objectification. It’s an explicit statement of my faith, that constitutes an integral part of my personality. Though this shouldn't be needed from all women, but forced by reality, it’s an assurance that for me, growing professionally has nothing to do with how I look, nor do I attempt to sacrifice my modesty to gain professional validation.

5- It’s a mean of challenging modern standards of beauty. Beauty could be in the hidden, not the shown, and less is more.

6- No, I don’t wear it under the shower, nor when I am sleeping. And yes, it’s fine for you to ask all these questions for the sake of breaking misconceptions and bridging communication gaps. But No, my parents didn’t force me to wear it, nor I think it’s too late for me to take it off because my local society is harsh, which is unfortunately the case for some women, but I willingly, whole-heartedly choose to. Forget about me, many amazing women who made it to the top, have made this clear.

7- Not being modest doesn’t justify the idea of “men can’t control themselves”. Women’s clothes, even if exposing, is not an element of justification of the crimes committed against them. In the Quran, the purpose behind the command of God for women to dress modestly is clear, it’s of their own protection (33:59) {...That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused ...}. Because we live in real world, not a utopian version. This strongly means that women are encouraged to be modest, yet all should work towards improving society and fix this “world” where there are unfortunately men with sick hearts. If a man abuses a women, regardless of what she’s wearing, he is a sinner. If the woman you abuse was wearing a short-skirt or whatever, that doesn’t make you a less-sinner!

8- I’m a human, this means I normally make mistakes, and wearing Hijab doesn’t mean I’m a saint. I’m not infallible, and it’s not too much for me to make a mistake. Hijab is like any other good deed, but it’s an outward one, where it’s an obvious declaration that expresses my belief. This apparent nature of Hijab makes it a responsibility, though this could be tough as much more is expected from us. It's challenging. If you're a man, or woman, who attempts to judge a woman who doesn’t wear it, remember your wrongdoings that God hidden so people won’t know about, and shush!

9- It’s not always perfect. You will also find a variety of shapes and colors of Hijab. This is because the interpretation might adapt to different factors, depending on the geographical area, culture or environment, but the theme is one, being modest and covering up.

10- I know it won’t offer me 100% protection, of course. I also know that many girls got abused regardless of what they were wearing. But I won’t be apologetic and won’t buy the preposterous allegations that say it doesn’t make a difference. Logic and reality say that modesty is undoubtedly (more suitable, better, could help) protect and honor women.

Having that said, one should also believe that it’s a priority to work on healing society from stereotyping, judging, and abusing. It’s a must to raise men that respect all women.

I ask Allah for acceptance and thabat, steadfastness.

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