7 Tips on Finding the Ideal Nanny (Caregiver)

One of the most important decisions you’ll make for your child as a parent is selecting the right person to take care of them while you’re out at work.

As a parent, I understand the need for reliable childcare. We, parents, need helping hands from time to time to effectively manage all of the many obligations and responsibilities on our plate. As we all know, the only way to do this sometimes is to have reliable help.

It goes without saying that caring for children is a very important role; not one that should be taken lightly or fulfilled by the wrong person. So, for families who have decided to secure an in-home caregiver or a nanny, you want to make sure you have hired the “Ideal” Nanny.

Nannies play a significant role in childcare as they take over the responsibility of ensuring the health and safety of a child while the parent is away. So, as parents, selecting the right person for the job isn’t something that is taken lightly.

Above all else, a great nanny is someone who genuinely loves and cares for kids, and is committed to their overall well-being.

There are so many things that are important, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the process. 

When assessing the performance of your current caregiver or when hiring a new one, below are a few helpful tips to ensure you have a good nanny. Using this list as a guide might make the process a little less daunting.

An ideal nanny is one who:

  1. An ideal nanny has the safety of your children in mind first and foremost. She or he keeps her full attention on your children at all times. This is very important, especially when outside (i.e. near playgrounds, pools, etc.), driving, eating and around strangers. A good nanny is aware of the possible dangers of social media and is not posting pictures of your children or sharing information about her location or your home. Also, a good nanny is prepared. I suggest only hiring nannies who have CPR and First Aid training as an emergency can happen at any moment. Safety first, all the time!
  2. An ideal nanny is not distracted. A good nanny can check any personal issues or distractions at the door. She is not bringing her private matters into your home which may cause her to lose focus. A good nanny is able to not make her problems your problems.
  3. An ideal nanny engages your children! The nanny should be prepared and able to involve your children in fun, age-appropriate activities. She should also know your children’s interests and create educational or extra-curricular activities around them. As a bonus, a good nanny should be skilled in introducing new activities to your child which perhaps they had not previously considered. These new discoveries could lead to the child’s growth and personal development.
  4. An ideal nanny minimizes or avoids the use of her cell phone for personal calls/texts. Good nannies set their phones aside and are not always on them when working and especially when driving. Of course, your nanny should have her phone close by in case of emergencies or for you to reach her.….but that is it during working hours.
  5. An ideal nanny tidies up after herself. A good nanny should leave the house better than she found it, if possible. She should at least always clean up any messes she or your child may have made during the day. Who wants to come home to a sink of dirty dishes?
  6. An ideal nanny is respectful of your privacy. During the course of employment, a nanny may legitimately see, hear or otherwise become privy to information about your family. The ideal nanny understands and agrees that all information relating to the family is confidential and may not be disclosed to anyone without the family’s consent.
  7. Communication is very valuable and a vital tool to doing a job well. A good nanny will report any problems with the children and relay details about the day to you. Also, such a nanny will be able to effectively communicate with various people they may encounter during the day while caring for your child. This could be teachers, doctors, a repair person, anyone. Your nanny should be able to receive and convey important information on your behalf.

No one is perfect and caring for children is not an easy job. Yet, there are some really good skilled nannies available to care for your little ones. The ideal nanny is a good nanny. She is a professional who takes her job seriously. She keeps her eyes on the children at all times, she is a good caregiver and serves as a true asset to you and your family.

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