Tips for shaving your thighs and make them smooth

Tips for shaving your thighs and make them smooth

Shaving the thigh area and the back of your legs is definitely tricky because these spots are sooo hard to reach. Some people even choose to only shave the bottom half of their legs and skip the thigh region altogether. The majority of us girls would agree that yes, the hair on and behind our thighs can prove to be quite the challenge when it comes to shaving. Here are some tips that will make shaving this area a lot easier.

Use an exfoliating scrub on your legs before you shave. It’ll get rid of dead skin cells that may make your shaving not as effective.

Use hot water when you’re shaving your legs because the heat will relax your hair follicles and make it much easier to remove unwanted hair.

Lather creamy shaving cream on your thighs before you shave to avoid nicks and cuts and allow for a much closer shave. If you don’t have shaving cream try using hair conditioner or body wash—your legs will be super silky from this extra hydration!

Shave slowly and carefully to avoid missing any spots, and be sure to change your razor regularly so they stay nice ‘n’ sharp.

Move the razor in the opposite direction that your hair is growing for a mega-smooth shave! Dry off your legs and apply lotion as soon as you get out of the shower to avoid razor burn.

Most importantly, don’t worry if you can’t get rid of all the hair on your thighs. It’s typically finer and lighter in color than the rest of your leg hair, so you’re probably the only one noticing it, anyway.

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