Steps to apply for a KEBS Standardization Mark Permit

Steps to apply for a KEBS Standardization Mark Permit

In this article, we are going to look at how to apply for a KEBS standardization mark permit in Kenya and all the requirements that must be met before making an application to be certified. Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) is a statutory body established under the Standards Act (CAP 496) of the laws of Kenya to govern and maintain the standards and practices of metrology in the country.

KEBS Standardization Mark 

The KEBS Standardization Mark is a mandatory mark for products that are manufactured locally for local consumption and for export within the East African Community (EAC) region. The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) issues a standardization mark permit and a soft copy of the standardization mark to incorporate when branding the products, after carrying out an inspection in the factory. The permit is valid for a calendar year from the date of issue.

Steps to apply for a KEBS Standardization Mark Permit

Step 1

1. Fill in the standardization mark application form ( STA 1). You can download the form below.

2. Fill in the initial factory assessment form ( STA 10) (New applicants) Download it here 

The applicant is required to fill out the STA 10 form and submit it to KEBS before an inspection is carried out.

3. Fill in duplicate the standards levy notification form( SL1). You can download the form here 

4. Provide a copy of the company registration form i.e  CR12 for Ltd Companies and evidence for registration for CBOS, Cooperatives societies, self-help groups, etc

5. Pay the required product certification fees

Please note that no product samples are required at the time of submitting your application. You can also obtain STA1, STA 10, and SL1 forms at the nearest KEBS office.

Step 2

The Kenya Bureau of Standards quality assurance officers will pay a visit to your production facility to carry out industrial inspection, draw samples for analysis, and agree on the scheme of supervision and control.

Step 3

Your product samples will be analyzed at KEBS laboratories or any other accredited laboratories to check compliance
with Kenyan standards. If samples comply and the inspection officer’s report indicates compliance with codes of practice, a recommendation will be made for issuance of the permit to use standardization mark to the Permit Standardization Committee (PSC) for standardization Mark.

If the committee confirms that all requirements have been met, a permit will be issued. If your product samples fail to comply,  retesting will be done free of charge and if the product complies, a permit to use the standardization mark will be issued. If samples fail to comply in the second instance and subsequent tests, testing will be carried out at the expense of the manufacturer.

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Certification Fees 

1. All Large Firms

20,000 for the firm plus Kshs. 7,500 per product/ brand.

This implies to firms with a turnover of between Kshs.200, 000 and Kshs. 500,000 per annum.

2. Medium Enterprises

10,000 for three products and Kshs. 5,000 for any extra product
This implies to firms with a turnover of below Kshs.200, 000 per annum.

3. Jua kali and Small Enterprises

5,000 for three products and Kshs. 5,000 for any extra product.


All the payments for standardization mark application are made at the time of application. For any change request the on the permit, the client shall pay Ksh.1000 upon evaluation and change granted.

Here is a sample of the standardization mark permit.

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Contacts 

Kenya Bureau of Standards,
Popo Road, Off Mombasa Road,
P.O. Box 54974 – 00200,
Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 020 6948000,+ 254 722202137,
+ 254 734600471

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