ICPAK | Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) | Customer Care

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) was established in 1978. The Institute is a member of the Pan-African Federation of Accountants (PAFA) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the global umbrella body for the accountancy profession. The Vision of the Institute is ‘A world-class professional accountancy institute‘, while the Mission is ‘To develop and promote internationally recognized accountancy profession that upholds public interest through effective regulation, research, and innovation’. The Institute is guided by the following core values: Credibility, Professionalism, and Accountability. The Institute draws its mandate from the Accountants Act (no 15 of 2008).

ICPAK | Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) | Customer Care

Q: How does one apply to become an ICPAK Accounting & Finance scholar? Where can one get application forms?

A: Application forms are available on the ICPAK website and from the Secretariat offices immediately after the call for applications is made. Applications should be submitted to the Secretariat offices within the stipulated deadline.

Q: What are the criteria for qualification?

A; The following are mandatory requirements for eligibility.  Applicant must;

  1. Have been studying at a public secondary school in Kenya
  2. Must belong to the top 10% of the most talented students in their school years in both primary and secondary school.
  3. Must have qualified with a minimum of B+ in the 2016 KCSE examinations.
  4. Must have been admitted to a local public university in Kenya.
  5. Must demonstrate financially disability to support university education through reference and recommendation from school, church, local administration or any other credible institution.

Q: Are students selected from all over the country?

A: Yes. Applications received from any part of Kenya are considered and reviewed towards selection of beneficiaries.

Q: What is the scholarship package?

A: The program offers a comprehensive scholarship package that includes tuition, accommodation and a monthly upkeep stipend. Scholars also receive leadership development, career guidance and mentoring to ensure they achieve their full potential.

Q: Does the program support the families of the students they take?

A: The ICPAK Accounting & Finance scholarship does not support the families of beneficiaries.

Q: Can non-Kenyan students apply for scholarships?

A: Only Kenyan students are eligible for the scholarship.

Q: Does the scholarship select the universities that scholars attend?

A: The Scholarship does not select public universities for beneficiaries.

Q: How is my contribution used?

A: All contributions received for the ICPAK A & F Scholarship will be utilized to provide scholarships to selected students. ICPAK will ensure all funds are used effectively and efficiently to support as many students as possible.

How to access a letter of Good standing

  1. Go to the ICPAK website at the top right you will see Login or Myicpak Link, click on it or follow this link https://www.icpak.com/icpakportal/#login .
  • If you have never logged in before click on forgot password or activate account. Input your email address, the one that you gave ICPAK during registration.
  • An email with a link will be sent to your personal email, click on the link and input the password that you will be using. Now go back to the website and click login.
  1. Input you email/member number as your username and then your password
  2. Once you Login below where your Picture appears you will see download certificate If it says you are not in good standing, then kindly follow up on your CPD hours or you have a subscription balance that you need to clear before you can proceed to download.

How to Update your CPD

  1. Once you are logged into your account click on MY CPD link, then you will see a tab written record CPD
  2. You can then file for both structured and unstructured CPD hours

Structured CDP: This are events that you have attended and been awarded with a certificate.

Unstructured CPD: This are CPD that you earn from reading or writing materials related to the profession.


The ICPAK Accounting & Finance Scholarship Committee

CPA Centre
P.O. Box 59963 – 00200 Nairobi
Tel: +254 (0) 20 2304226, 2304227, 8068570/1

Mobile: +254 (0) 727 531006/ 0721 469796/ 721469169 /0726504902/733 856262

Email: memberservices@icpak.com

Website: www.icpak.com

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