ResearchGate Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

ResearchGate Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

ResearchGate defines a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as a unique identifier that provides a permanent link to any research you add to your profile – making it easily findable and citable. The DOI has also been described as the paper’s digital fingerprint. Each article receives a unique one at birth, and it can be used to identify the article throughout its lifespan, no matter where it goes. It is that part of the reference that looks like a string of numbers and letters. This is how it looks like ( It is given as part of the reference to a publication.

Why do you need a DOI?
  • Showcase all of your research. A DOI enables other researchers to find all of your work online, including your conference papers and posters, raw and negative data, and any other research you would like to share.
  • Make your research citable. DOIs provide information on where your work can be found online. They are guaranteed to never change, making them a great way to provide a reliable link to any of your research.
  • Put a date on your discovery. A DOI includes information on the publishing date of your research, to make sure you get the credit you deserve.
In line with this trend, ResearchGate started assigning free DOIs to unpublished works that researchers upload on researchGate. One of the steps during the uploading process requires you to indicate if you would like to “generate DOI for this publication”. For more information, click here

Nb: If the publisher had already assigned a DOI to the work, do not generate another one.

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