10 questions you can use to tell whether an opportunity is best for you or not


As the saying goes, opportunities are like buses, there is always one more coming. Every day we are presented with many opportunities if we try to grab all of them chances are we will be overwhelmed and might end up with little progress if any at all.

To avoid this, here is a list of ten questions you can use to tell whether an opportunity is best for you or not:-
  1. Is the project/opportunity in harmony with my major goals and purpose?
  2. Are the people involved in good character, and will I likely enjoy working with them?
  3. Does the project/opportunity make sense as explained?
  4. Does it promise returns equal to or better than my target?
  5. Do I have, or can I hire the skill required to successfully complete the project/undertake the opportunity?
  6. Do I have, or can I get the capital needed?
  7. Do I have the time to successfully oversee the project/opportunity?
  8. Does it provide at least three acceptable exit strategies?
  9. Can I live with the worst-case scenario, and is it within my risk profile?
  10. Is it a win/win for everyone?
If you answer no to any of those ten questions, my advice is, wait for the next bus otherwise proceed with due diligence of the opportunity in question.


We all know how hard it can be to push into the working life when you are a young jobseeker, with little or no experience at all.

Luckily there are more and more programs designed to give youth a gentle push up the career ladder. For example, McKinsey Social Initiative’s Generation is a global youth employment programme that helps young adults change their life trajectories by providing them the opportunity to launch successful careers.

In Kenya, the programme focuses on sales capabilities and employment in the financial sector (banking and insurance companies) with the objective of building skills and competencies of the successful candidates and then providing them with internship opportunities in leading Kenya financial sector companies. Training is provided by one of the leading financial service providers in the world.

The programme is meant for 20-30-year-old unemployed or underemployed candidates who have finished their KCSE examination with D+ or higher score. Generation Kenya is looking for ambitious, energetic and talented youth to go through a 6-week financial service training programme and who can eventually work in the financial services industry (banking and insurance companies). The program guarantees 2 interviews with the employer partners and they have so far placed 489 candidates into employment.


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