Endless reasons why every company must have a blog


I was caught up by a thought of the urgency of every business owning a blog. Many companies consider blogs being expensive to maintain, but when you look down to the benefits that come with owning one, perhaps you can agree with me that it is worthy. So let’s look at some of the advantages of a business owning a blog.

Blogs drive traffic to your business

By owning a blog you create new posts consistently. Posts about your business, products, and services which allow Google to add your web pages to their search for various phrases and keywords, thus creating more exposure for you in the online community and give you more platforms for the blog to bring traffic into your business.

With a blog, you build your audience

It is so natural how two-way communication with your customers opens up when you start publishing your posts in your blog and promoting them in your social media accounts. That interaction is created with your readers through their comments. Through that, as a seller, you are given an avenue to exchange ideas and to understand your customers needs even better than before. By engaging with your readers, you create a great customer experience that makes your readers recommend you to other people even by word of mouth.

Blog make your company be industry experts.

Blog posts exist to inform, teach, and answer your readers’ questions that they have regarding your business, products, or services. Now, whenever you post great content that is informative and has value for your readers that represents your company, they will see you as an authority in that particular industry.

By posting consistently, you will become a source that people believe is the authority on that subject. So, the more you post great content, the stronger these effects become.

Blogs help the business grow loyal customers

If there is one thing that‘s hard is creating and maintaining loyal customers. I know every marketer agrees with me on this, not even advertisements can be able to do this. But with blogging, you target the needs and desires of your readers, which create an emotional bonding between your brand and them.

It simply gives you an opportunity to build your brand image before their eyes.

Your blogs provide valuable customer feedback

Customer feedbacks are vital to every business that wants to grow. More often customer comments are received from reviews or surveys that are done after the purchase.

Feedbacks are most valuable before and during the sales process so that you can answer all of your customer’s question and doubts if they have any.

With a business blog, all of this is sorted, because customers can bring their thoughts through the comments and you respond to their queries and concerns immediately. By doing that, your customers will be very satisfied with the release of your products.

Blogs build email subscribers

People love content that adds value to their lives. If people love what you write they will be looking forward to your next post, so what they do they subscribe to your mailing list.

The size of your mailing list is the primary indicator of how your online business is thriving. Subscribers open up new possibilities of being interested in your products, and so they love to know more through your blog posts.


There are endless reasons why every company must have a blog; these are just but a few of them. Does your business have a blog? Feel free to share in your comments down below what made you have one and what are the benefits you have experienced so far.
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