Role of Teachers in Schools

Tutor in class
The Controller

The teacher is in charge of the classroom. He or she controls what happens in class and how students behave. The teacher sets rules in the class and sets the standard of expected behavior for students within the class room environment (Arends & Castle, 1991).

Resource Person

Students do have needs and they look up to teachers for help. A teacher is simply a walking resource person. He or she is expected to have the knowledge and ability to assist students if and when they need help (Minodo et al., 2001). 

The Assessor

The teacher is the most important person in evaluating and assessing how students are faring in class. He or she has direct contact with children in the classroom and can be able to tell which pupils are making progress and which ones are not (William, 2013). 

A Mentor

The teacher in a school environment has a responsibility of acting as a mentor. Mentoring entails a series of interactions which can be emotional, social and intellectual in nature (Lentz and Allen, 2006). Mentoring can be defined as the process of helping human relationships where people work together in order to achieve professional and personal objectives (Johnson and Ridley, 2007). Efficient mentoring has been proved to be helpful to all participants.

A mentor performs different roles such as counseling, guiding, supporting, advising and protecting (Sundi; Hall et al, 2000). According to Nettleton and Bray (2006), mentoring is one of the most efficient and effective ways of developing different professionals. Mentoring has been applied in areas such as building, military, education, and medicine with effectiveness (Strong & Baron, 2004).

The organizer

A school system needs to run in an organized manner. Students must know their role and what is expected of them. The teacher is responsible for this. He or she gives clear instructions to students on what to do next and how to do it based on current circumstances. The teacher is reasonable for bringing order in the classroom which is crucial in facilitating learning (Mulford, 2003).
The teacher’s primary role is to teach and impact knowledge on the students. Teachers help students navigate through the curriculum within the standards required by the concerned authority. They explain concepts, develop study manuals, and also assist students with one on one lessons (Mulford, 2003).
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