How garlic can heal your body in only 24 hours

Roasted garlic and body
Garlic is one of nature's most miraculous foods. It contains Vitamin B₆ & Vitamin C, Manganese, Allicin, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium & it is an anti-oxidant. It has been used as a natural remedy to Control Blood Pressure, Lower Cholesterol Levels, Stimulate Blood Flow, Treat Coronary Heart Disease, and prevent Heart Attacks. It relaxes blood vessels, prevents the production of the hormone Angiotensin II & controls LDL Cholesterol.

According to experts, Garlic can heal your body in only 24 hours. If you consume 6 roasted Garlic Cloves per day, your body will experience the following health benefits:
1st hour: Digestion of the garlic & feeding your body.
2-4 hours: Garlic is potent enough to kill cancer cells & prevent damage from free radicals.
4-6 hours: Your metabolism starts to recognize garlic's healthy properties. It helps flush the excess fat and fluids out of your body.
6-7 hours: It starts destroying bacteria in your system, due to its strong antibacterial properties.
7-10 hours: Garlic's nutrients have already acted on a cellular level, providing protection from oxidation.
10-24 Hours: Your body experiences a process of deep cleansing, resulting in improved bone strength. Boosted Immune system. Increased Cell Longevity. Improved & Reduced Blood Pressure Levels. Getting Rid Of Fatigue. Protection From Cardiovascular Problems. Normalized Cholesterol Levels. Enhanced Athletic Performance. Protection From Heavy Metals Entrance In The Body.

The Ability to treat & prevent various diseases has made garlic one of the most recommended foods on the planet.


With so many delicious ways to use garlic in your daily diet, don’t wait for science to confirm its usefulness in treating this or that disease. Serve it often because you love the taste. Mince it into salad dressings; add it to casseroles, soups, and stews; give your pizzas a garlic topping.

If you can’t tolerate the flavor of raw or lightly cooked garlic, try roasted garlic for an ambrosial treat. The sharp flavor mellows and the flesh becomes soft and easy to spread or blend into dips, soups, casseroles, or sandwich fillings. 

Caution: To prevent the growth of deadly botulinum bacteria, don’t infuse raw garlic in olive oil or any other salad or cooking oil​ unless you plan to use it right away. You can safely infuse raw garlic in vinegar because the acid in the vinegar prevents the botulinum bacteria from growing.

Eat your garlic—for health!
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