You cannot UTILIZE that which you don't RECOGNIZE #MotivationMonday

You cannot UTILIZE that which you don't RECOGNIZE

If you love gifts put your hand up...I know most people do. I love receiving gifts too and often times I remember who gave it to me and even the specific time or place that it was given to me and for what reason. I am also careful when I give gifts because the gifts you give are a reflection of who you are.

There are however greater gifts that reside inside each of us. Everyone is born with a gift and the gifts we possess are as diverse as we are. Your greatness lies in those gifts but often times we miss them because to us they are normal. Unlike the other gifts given on special occasions, the gifts you were born with don't come on special occasions they have been with us since we were born and that's why we don't recognize them.

You cannot UTILIZE that which you don't RECOGNIZE.

Find your "Normal" that you do so well and that even other people wonder how well you do it. To you, it might seem normal because you have been with it all along but what you do not know is that in it lies your greatness

Remember that gifts come with a responsibility. To whom much is given much is required. The greater the gift the greater the requirement. If you have a '5 level gift" you cannot give a "2level" return on your gift and Gifts only work if you work them.
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