Sample Cover Letter You Can Use To Apply For Jobs

Writing a cover letter

Here is a sample entry level cover letter you can use as a guide to help you come up with a great letter of application.

Princess Lavine
P.O Box 2588-00200
6th January 2019

The Human Resource Manager
XYZ Company
P.O. Box xxx

Dear Mr. Karume,


Upon review of your posting for a Finance Assistant, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. With my solid understanding of financial and accounting support gained throughout my educational and professional background as well as my comprehensive abilities in general business administration and team collaboration, I feel confident that I would significantly benefit your company.

With a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, I have acquired a breadth of knowledge and skills in subjects including financial management, financial reporting and analysis, budget planning, and cost reduction. Additionally, I have also utilized my skills and experience as a Finance Intern where I effectively assisted in handling all financial transactions and recording them.

With a strong foundation in the basic principles of finance, my complementary communication and time management abilities position me to thrive in this challenging field.

With my experience in finance acquired through both my professional and academic background, coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication to achieving success, I believe I will swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.

Princess Lavine

Final Word

Your cover letter is an important document that you should take very seriously and avoid making any silly mistakes when writing it. Remember, an employer can decide whether or not to go through your CV from what they read in your cover letter.

A poorly done application letter will kill any chance you have of landing your dream job. That means it should be specific to the job you are applying for, no sending generic cover letters, and should offer a brief look at what you have to offer the company.

You can have your Cover letter and CV professionally written by someone who has inside knowledge on what employers look for. This will give you an advantage over other job seekers come next year.
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