Every year, I usually post a short article on the current CV trends in the market and what your CV should contain and look like if you want it to catch recruiters' attention. So here is how to make your CV say to recruiters - "Hey, I am the best candidate for the job".

  1. Overview/SummaryYour CV must begin with a strong overview/summary. The recruiter should read it and say - "This candidate fits the profile". This can be done by tailoring your overview/summary according to the vacancy you are applying to. Understand what the role entails - and ensure you emphasize those attributes that show that you will fit the role.
  2. Job SectionYour CV must contain a brief history of your employment. This section has to be in reverse chronological order. Avoid listing routine job functions in too much detail. Rather, focus of the functions you have handled that match the job that you are currently applying for. This will show recruiters that you have the right experience for the job.
  3. Achievements: In every role, you list on your CV - mention your achievements. Show to recruiters what value you have added to your earlier employers. Tell recruiters and hiring managers that not only have you handled routine job functions - but have done your job effectively and contributed to the company.
  4. Length: Your CV must be succinct and to the point. Normally, recruiters have to sort through hundreds of CVs for each vacancy. That's why a short CV that is to the point will ensure that the recruiter doesn't lose interest. Ideally, I always suggest that a CV shouldn't be longer than two pages.
  5. Design: Your CV should be simple and sober. Don't use more than one colour (other than black and white) on your CV. The colour you use should not be too loud and bright. Make sure the formatting is consistent. The font size and the font type should be the same across the CV. Don't use fancy fonts.
  6. Contact Details: Your CV must list your phone number, e-mail, and Skype details at the very top. This allows recruiters to contact you easily if they think you are right for the job. Your Address and your LinkedIn can be listed at the bottom of your CV.
  7. Personal Information: Don't include marital status, exact place of residence, photograph, hobbies and religion. It might lead to unconscious discrimination - and it is unnecessary for the hiring process.


A good CV is primarily about highlighting your suitability and personality and making it easier for the recruiter to take a decision. Ensure it is well organized, logical and the text points out your expertise.

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