Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) Internship Programme

Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) Internship Programme

The Kenya Film Classification Board is a state corporation that operates under the Government of Kenya whose mandate is to “regulate the creation, broadcasting, possession, distribution, and exhibition of films by rating them.”

The Public Service Internship Programme (PSIP) is a Government initiative designed to offer internship opportunities for college graduates to acquire and develop valuable technical and professional skills while gaining requisite work experience. The programme is also aimed at inculcating in the interns' values and principles of public service and to promote ethical conduct.

The Kenya Film Classification Board is pleased to announce to the general public the recruitment of interns, scheduled to take place in the month of September.

  • Completing duties mutually agreed upon and assigned by the supervisors;
  • Documenting relevant skills acquired in their areas of deployment; and
  • Actively participating in activities designed for purposes of mentorship.
  • Once selected, candidates will be required to submit proof of a valid personal accident insurance cover, valid Certificate of Good Conduct, Copies of KRA PIN Certificate, NHIF, NSSF, ID Card & Bank Account Details

  • Be a Kenyan Citizen aged between 20 and 34 years;
  • Have graduated with a First Degree (undergraduate) or Diploma from a recognized institution.
  • Must be available on full-time basis for the six months’ duration of the program;
  • Be proficient in computer skills; and
  • Should not have undertaken any other internship or exposed to work experience after graduation.

  • The intern will be paid a stipend at a rate to be determined by the Public Service Commission that is subject to statutory deduction.

  • Upon successful completion of the Internship Programme, the intern will be given a certificate.

How To Apply:

Please prepare and send the application to the employer’s postal address:

The Chief Executive Officer,
Kenya Film Classification Board,
Uchumi House, 15th Floor,
P.O Box 44226-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
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