List of Cancer Screening Centres in Kenya

List of Cancer Screening Centres in Kenya

Breast and cervical cancer are the leading cause of death and the only way to reduce the deaths is to ensure early detection. It is advised that ladies self-exam their breasts every month and seek an examination every year.

Below is a list of centers that offer cancer screening for free or at affordable prices especially in the month of October:

Women for Cancer Early Detection & Treatment

The Women for Cancer Early Detection and Treatment organization provides awareness, educates, and offers cancer screening services to patients all over the country.

They conduct cancer screening medical camps that integrate other Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). They offer HPV DNA Testing, Pap smear for cervical cancer screening, clinical breast examinations, and health assessments for obesity, diabetes, hypertension and vision assessments and management.

Cancer Awareness Centre of Kenya

Cancer Awareness Centre of Kenya organization provides awareness and educative programs about different types of cancers.

CACK also provides the following services:
  • Screening for reproductive Cancers (Cervical, Prostate and Breast);
  • Examination and consultancy for existing cancer patients;
  • Cancer education and nutritional talks;
  • Cancer survivors counseling and support;
  • Blood Donation drive;
  • Blood pressure, BMI and Other diseases screening and diagnosis

Faraja Cancer Support Trust

Work alongside several institutions and hospitals that offer conventional cancer treatments such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. We aim to take our patients beyond medical treatment through offering them a holistic approach to coping with the challenges of cancer.

AAR Healthcare

The AAR Healthcare promotes and support the health, safety and well being of people. The program is structured to sensitize and educate clients on ways to stay healthy and prevent more serious issues, and this benefits the employer due to improved productivity and employee retention, better employee health and morale and lower health-related costs.

Hospitals With Cancer Treatment Facilities In Kenya

  • Aga Khan University Hospital
  • Coast Province General Hospital
  • Beacon Health Services Cancer Treatment Center
  • Kijabe Mission Hospital
  • Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)
  • Mater Hospital
  • MP Shah Hospital/Cancer Care Center
  • Moi Teaching and Referal Hospital
  • Nairobi Hospital
  • Nairobi Hospice
  • Tenwek Mission Hospital
  • Nairobi Women’s Hospital
  • Texas Cancer Center
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