How deep is a vagina? What to know!

How deep is a vagina? What to know!

Is the vagina endless?

Can anything get lost in the vagina???

Does the vagina continue into my abdomen? Chest? Throat?

Interestingly, many women perceive the vagina as a long, continuous canal that starts at the genitals and continues into the body… Sort of like the digestive system, that spans from mouth to rectum (or vice versa).

This perception leads to worries such as noted above, easily believed with the vagina being an ‘invisible’ part of the body that cannot be self-tested.

The truth:
☛ The vagina is only about 10-12cm deep (4-4.5 inches)
☛ It is a dead-end tube
☛ A typical gynecologic exam will check the entire length of the vagina
☛ In the unlikely event that the tampon is ‘stuck’ there, it can be easily retrieved
☛ Nothing can get lost ‘in there’

If you’ve just taken out a ruler to see how long 10-12cm are, you may wonder how does an erect penis fit inside being that it is longer than the quoted vaginal length…

Well, nature was created by a fine architect: the uterus, which sits at the deep end of the vagina, is like a trampoline, able to be nudged into the pelvis by the arriving penis, thus lengthening the vagina as needed.

Smart, isn’t it?

Now, what is ‘Too Deep’?

If you’re having penetrative sex, then the answer depends totally on the person with the vagina. Everyone’s body is a little bit different – and it can change depending on things like menstrual cycle and arousal. If you could find two people who have vaginas that are the exact same depth, you might find that one of them loves deep penetration, but the other hates it!

If you’re the one doing the thrusting and your implement of choice – be it penis or dildo – then you have to be hyper-conscious of how deeply you’re thrusting. Some people hate the sensation of having their cervix hit. Or, if they do find that the flood of happy brain chemicals that blunt feelings of pain during sex, they might later end up with cramps and discomfort due to deep penetration. When in doubt, start shallow and wait for your partner to ask you to go more deeply – a little dirty talk is pretty fun, after all!

Penetration shouldn’t hurt. If it is painful to have sex with a larger penis – or to have penetrative sex for the first time, for that matter – the culprit is much more likely to be a lack of adequate foreplay. Foreplay ensures that the vagina is expanded enough to comfortably be penetrated as well as lubricated to help things go more smoothly – though there are situations where using extra lube may be necessary. If you or your partner is still experiencing pain during penetration with plenty of arousals, then it’s time to talk to your doctor, as there are a couple of medical conditions that could be at play.
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