If you want to be happy, go ahead and be happy—it's healthy!

Happy ladies dancing

We all want to be happy. But what is happiness?

Here's one definition…

Happiness is simply the ability to not want more; to find gratitude and satisfaction at the moment that you have right now.

In other words, your happiness hinges on living in the moment instead of yearning for some future indicator of success.

The happiness-health connection

Want to feel better and improve your health? Start by focusing on the things that bring you happiness. Scientific evidence suggests that positive emotions can help make life longer and healthier.

But fleeting positive emotions aren't enough. Lowering your stress levels over a period of years with a positive outlook and relaxation techniques could reduce your risk of health problems.

Below Are Some of  the Ways Happiness Is Good for Your Health

Happiness protects your heart

Love and happiness may not actually originate in the heart, but they are good for it. For example, a 2005 paper found that happiness predicts lower heart rate and blood pressure.

Happiness strengthens your immune system

Do you know a grumpy person who always seems to be getting sick? That may be no coincidence: Research is now finding a link between happiness and a stronger immune system.

Happiness combats stress

Stress is not only upsetting on a psychological level but also triggers biological changes in our hormones and blood pressure. Happiness seems to temper these effects, or at least help us recover more quickly.

Happiness combats disease and disability

Happiness is associated with improvements in more severe, long-term conditions as well, not just shorter-term aches and pains.

Happiness lengthens our lives

In the end, the ultimate health indicator might be longevity—and here, especially, happiness comes into play.

Activities that make you happy

There are a number of activities proven to make you happy. Of course, we are all different but these are a good starting point if you want to get a boost of positive emotions! Find out what works best for you.


You have probably heard that sport and physical activity releases endorphins in your body. Endorphins are pleasure-inducing chemicals that can create a feeling of euphoria. Exercising can also reduce stress and anxiety, and it can help us become more concentrated making it easier to get into the “flow-state” where everything seems easier and more natural to us. And of course, it makes your body healthier as well.

Perform Altruistic Acts of Kindness

Research has shown that altruistic acts of kindness reduces stress and improves your mental health. People who daily carried out several acts of kindness were feeling much happier than people who didn’t do this.

The good thing with this approach is also that it not only makes you a happier person, it also makes the people you are kind to happier. Awesome, right?

Spend your money right

Can money buy happiness? No right? Well, it can help but only if you spend it right. Spending your money on material things is not the option though. Buying luxury items can give you a short boost - like sugar of other “drugs”. But it doesn’t last for long.

What you should do is to spend your money on social activities. The positive boost of emotions you get from spending money your money on activities with other people - sports, concerts, etc. - is more meaningful and lasting than if you spend it on stuff.


Meditation is one of the most effective ways to become more happy, calm and positive. Research has shown that meditation can raise our level of happiness, reduce stress hormones in our body, and even have a positive effect on our immune system.

It takes time to learn though but it’s worth it!

Find Something to Look Forward To

A very simple way to be happier is to always have something to look forward to. A study found that people who were thinking about when they were going to watch their favorite movie raised their endorphin levels by more than 25 percent - and note that that’s before actually watching it. The expectation of something good to come can be as satisfying as the actual event in terms of releasing “happiness chemicals” in your brain.

Do something you’re good at

We are all good at something - some kind of sport, cooking, playing with your children, helping out your friends with work or studies and so on. Whatever it might be, every time you do something you’re good at endorphins are released in your brain giving you a boost of positivity and happiness. If you do this daily you’ll get a lasting feeling of joy and energy you can use to become more motivated for new opportunities and challenges.

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