A guy going limp is one of the most awkward things that can happen mid-coitus. The first few seconds after the impromptu penis nap are crucial — how you handle things in these first few moments will determine whether you inadvertently make the situation more awkward or get laid to completion.

Many guys have trouble getting or maintaining an erection at some point in their lives. Often, it’s caused by performance anxiety. Performance anxiety is the fear of being unable to please a partner. This anxiety can actually cause changes in the body that prevent a guy from getting or maintaining an erection.

Other factors that can prevent a guy from getting or maintaining an erection include lack of attraction to a partner, a negative body image, a lack of self-esteem, problems in relationships, or using alcohol or other drugs. Sometimes just being tired or not in the mood for sex can prevent a guy from getting or maintaining an erection.

Certain conditions, such as diabetes, and medications, such as certain anti-depressants, can also cause erectile dysfunction.

It’s important for guys and their partners to accept occasional erection problems as a normal part of their sex lives and not become so anxious that it makes having sex less pleasurable and more difficult. It’s also important to talk with your health care provider if erectile dysfunction becomes an ongoing and unrelieved problem.

Ways to Naturally Protect Your Erection

Below, we’ve listed eight ways for you to naturally improve your erections, avoid ED and enjoy more stress-free sex life. All are easy to implement and align well with a healthy lifestyle, making them worth prioritizing before trying ED medication.

Keep Your Body Weight in the Healthy Range

Being overweight or obese can negatively affect your ability to develop and maintain a normal erection during sex. This is because obesity is closely correlated with serious health issues like diabetes, which can damage the nerves around the penis and prevent erections.

Erectile dysfunction from diabetes is particularly worrying because common ED treatments like Viagra and Cialis often aren’t totally effective. In fact, one study from 1999 shows that only 56% of men with diabetes-induced ED saw improvements with Viagra.

The best solution is to pay attention to your weight and aim to stay within the healthy range for your body type. Since healthy body weight is also important for general health, keeping your body weight is something that’s worth doing even if you don’t suffer from ED.

Stay On Top of Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is closely linked to ED, possibly because of the negative effects it can have on the health of your blood vessels.

While there’s no need to obsess over your blood pressure, it’s important to get it checked every few months. If your blood pressure is outside the normal range, you should consider talking to your doctor about treatment options.

Mildly high blood pressure (such as blood pressure in the "pre-hypertension" range) can often be lowered by making a few small changes to your diet and lifestyle. There are also numerous medications that can reduce your blood pressure and improve your arterial health.

Eat a Diet That’s Rich in Fruit, Vegetables and Nutritious foods

Erections are dependent on strong, reliable blood flow. Because of this, the same foods that can clog your arteries and damage your heart can also have a negative impact on the quality of your erections.

In fact, there’s such a close correlation between erectile dysfunction and heart health that ED is commonly viewed by medical professionals as a potential sign of heart disease.

For the most part, the same foods that cause heart disease can also contribute to problems with erections. Fatty, sugary, and high-calorie meals like hamburgers, pizza, and fried chicken should all be avoided or eaten in moderation if you’re concerned about ED.

It’s also important to eat nutritious, healthy foods. A 2010 study shows that the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in whole grains, fish, fruit, nuts, and vegetables but low in red meat is linked to a lower incidence rate of erectile dysfunction in men. If you're looking for quick results, you may check some over the counter pills, you must check out the top-rated male enhancements pills, most of them listed are natural ingredients-based and easily available online.

Add Aerobic Exercise to Your Daily Routine

Aerobic exercise, such as running, cycling, rowing or playing most sports, improves your heart health and can reduce the effects of erectile dysfunction.

A 2011 article in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Science curated evidence from five studies into aerobic exercise and ED. The authors found that the studies showed a clear improvement in the symptoms of ED as men exercised, particularly over the long term.

The article concluded that aerobic training "can successfully treat ED in selected patients with arteriogenic ED" -- a form of erectile dysfunction caused by the poor arterial blood supply.

Luckily, there’s no need to spend hours of your day exercising to reduce the risk of developing ED. For most men, a 15-60 minute session of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise (for example, jogging or walking on an incline) is enough to improve your heart health.

Check for Lower-Than-Normal Testosterone

Low testosterone levels can potentially cause erectile dysfunction. This is because testosterone is one of the key hormones involved in regulating the male sex drive. Less testosterone usually means a lower interest in sex, as well as weaker, less consistent erections.

Testosterone levels fluctuate naturally based on a variety of factors, from your diet and activity level to your sleep habits. They also decline with age, with some studies showing a progressive reduction in serum testosterone levels as men get older.

Other symptoms of low testosterone include lethargy, lack of mental drive, muscle loss, fat gain around the abdomen and a general lack of interest in sexual activity.

Luckily, your testosterone levels are easy to check using a simple blood test. If they’re low, your doctor will be able to prescribe a number of treatments to bring your testosterone levels to back up to normal and help you avoid hormonal ED.

Avoid Smoking Cigarettes and Consuming Nicotine in General

Smoking cigarettes greatly increases your risk of developing ED, as smoking can damage the blood vessels that are essential for developing and maintaining an erection.

This means that if you’re a smoker, quitting can be an effective way to improve the quality of your erections and reduce the risks of ED. Quitting smoking also improves your heart health, making it something that’s worth prioritizing even if ED isn’t a problem for you.

Interestingly, nicotine itself is closely linked to ED, meaning that alternative methods of receiving nicotine like vaping or using a nicotine patch might not produce any improvement in ED. A study from 2008, for example, shows that nicotine tends to reduce erectile responses to stimulation.

This means that the best approach to ED treatment for smokers is to not just quit smoking but to quit consuming nicotine at all -- something that requires serious focus and commitment.

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Do you drink alcohol at night or on the weekend? Reducing the amount of alcohol you consume is one of the easiest ways to improve not just your ability to maintain an erection, but also your general health and wellbeing.

While alcohol isn’t directly linked to ED, people with alcohol dependence are far more likely to display one or more signs of sexual dysfunction. These signs range from low sexual desire to premature ejaculation and include erectile dysfunction.

Interestingly, one study from 2007 found that the amount of alcohol a person consumes is the most significant predictor of developing sexual dysfunction, indicating that drinking more could mean a higher risk of experiencing ED and reduced sexual desire.

The solution? Only drink alcohol in moderation, with a maximum of one drink per day if you’re under 65 and two drinks per day if you’re older than 65. Doing so will help you reduce the risks of developing ED, as well as alcohol-related issues such as liver damage and memory loss.

Limit Your Consumption of Porn

Research from the Naval Medical Center of San Diego states that regular consumption of porn could potentially be a cause of erectile dysfunction.

The link between porn consumption and ED appears to be psychological rather than physical -- a result of porn’s novelty and potential for easy escalation changing the way men (and women, who obviously aren’t affected by ED) view sexual activity.

Right now, research into the link between pornography and ED is limited. However, the research that currently exists, as well as clinical reports, suggests that stopping porn use can often result in an improvement in sexual function.

In short, reducing the amount of time you spend watching porn could be a potential way to solve erection problems, especially if you find yourself less interested in real sexual activity as a result of watching too much porn.

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