Cost Of Developing A Mobile App In Kenya

Cost Of Developing A Mobile App In Kenya

Mobile applications may have different costs of development. However, most companies follow this simple criterion when giving you a quote. This article will give you a guide on how much you should expect to be charged for your mobile application and how you can reduce the amount that an app developer will charge you.

Keep in mind that all companies have different criteria they use but these are the ones that most of the mobile app development companies we have listed use.

The platform for your application: 

Developing an ios (iPhone )mobile app in Kenya is more expensive than developing an equivalent android application. This is due to the fact that we have a scarcity of ios app developers(apple developers) in Kenya. Maintenance of ios mobile application in Kenya is also more expensive since, unlike android where you pay 24 dollars for the play store (which is a one-time fee) for ios apps you have to pay 99 dollars each year for the app to remain in the app store. However, in recent years we have seen the adoption of cross-platform mobile applications that can significantly reduce the cost of development if you decide you need both ios and android applications for your business. While many people do not love cross-platform applications, it is a good way to bootstrap your company and acquire customers before you change it in the future. Some companies have been developing cross-platform apps for so long that they have mastered the art of making great cross-platform apps. In recent years we have had a rise in progressive web apps which are very easy to make but their performance is very bad. Which makes many companies move away from those PWA apps.

The features you want in your mobile application:

This is the key metric used by all companies when sending a quote to any client. For instance, if you want to integrate M-pesa payment into your app that is counted as an extra feature and it may cost you more. It is wise to only include the feature which is very necessary for your business. The best advice I would give you is to first develop an app with minimal features(that is a minimum viable product and later add features during maintenance).

The sector for your mobile application:

On average it will cost you more to develop a mobile application in the health or financial sector due to the fact that they take more resources, time, and expertise. The security required for the app is also very high which means more qualified developers will be needed. This makes it very expensive to make this application. Mobile games can also be very costly to develop and maintain. Though most companies in Kenya do not work on games as it is a very competitive area that requires many years of experience. However, if you approach a company that has a reputation or specializes in the area of your mobile application requirement they will ask for less due to the fact that they have more experience in that sector and they already have an existing infrastructure to build your mobile app very fast.

Maintenance, support, and enhancements:

Once a mobile app is in the AppStore or Playstore it still needs some improvement. It is wise to talk with the app developer about how much it will cost you to maintain the app. Mobile apps in Kenya can be very pricey to maintain especially if you never had an initial agreement with the app developer on how to go about it. Ios apps are also very expensive to maintain especially if you have listed them as free in the app store since each year you have to pay 99 dollars to keep your app on the Appstore. If your app also has a lot of users, the server cost is also an issue since you pay for the server according to the number of users you have.

The app developer portfolio:

Some mobile app development companies will ask for more money since they have a great brand that has a reputation for providing excellent work. Some companies which are the only startups can not afford to ask for that much since they are only starting off. For some projects which do not need so much expertise(such as e-commerce website), it is better to approach this small startup so that you can save your cost. However, if your mobile application is in the finance sector, health sector, or agriculture sector it would be advisable to approach a more reputable company. That said you should not only use the company brand as the only reason to choose a mobile developer. Most times startups will give you the best services and the best apps as they do not have very many customers. As for the more established brands you might not get as much attention from them.
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