Tinnitus News: What are the Ways You Might Be Triggering Tinnitus

Tinnitus News: What are the Ways You Might Be Triggering Tinnitus

According to the American Tinnitus
Association, around 50 million Americans experience tinnitus or
ringing in the ears.

If you notice an increase in the buzzing,
whistling, or other noises that you hear in your ears, it might be due to
tinnitus. It's essential to figure out the causes to treat the condition before
it gets worse.

The problem may be as simple as dryness in
your ear or something more severe such as a poor diet and smoking. Read the
 and understand how you might be triggering tinnitus,
along with the tips to address it.


If you enjoy blasting music on your MP3
player, chances are you’ve listened to it at a level that’s damaging to your
ears, especially if you have tinnitus. You’re not alone—many people with
tinnitus report that their condition is caused or worsened by listening to
loud music.

Exposure to loud sounds, such as music
from personal audio devices and music concerts, can cause ringing in the
ears. Concert noise may reach up to 120 dB, which is 25-35 Db higher
than average.  


According to a study, a significant number
of people with chronic tinnitus were ex-smokers. It’s because the nicotine
in cigarettes changes how your ears hear external sounds by constricting your
blood vessels.

When that happens, cells don’t get enough
nutrients they need to work correctly, including those involved in hearing.
Besides, smoking may cause premature tissue aging in your ears, thus increasing
tinnitus symptoms. 


If you have tinnitus, it’s a good idea to
cut back on alcohol consumption. Alcoholic beverages are notorious for
increasing your blood pressure, and increased pressure can put even more stress
on your inner ear, which may likely cause some ringing.

These beverages may increase tinnitus as
well because of their high levels of reactive oxygen species.


A poor diet can be one of the primary
triggers for tinnitus
. If you’re not getting enough nutrients,
your body may enter starvation mode. It depletes serotonin levels in your brain
and may make it harder for your body to repair damage to tinnitus-related

Among other effects, low serotonin
levels can lead to insomnia, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain conditions.
To help avoid these issues, experts suggest taking plenty of vitamins and minerals
from vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins.


If you’re sitting down more than you’re
moving, your body works harder to get the blood flowing properly. Per the US
National Institutes of Health, inactivity can
contribute to tinnitus symptoms or make them worse by causing fancy brain cells
that control hearing and balance to become hyperactive. Physicians recommend
getting up and walking around for five minutes a few times a day.


There are many things you can do to help prevent
tinnitus from becoming a chronic problem. In addition to avoiding loud noise,
doctors advise you to drink enough water each day and get proper sleep. They
also recommend maintaining a healthy weight.

tinnitus symptoms persist, you may immediately see a doctor and get yourself
diagnosed. Also, staying updated with tinnitus news might help you in your
fight against it.

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