Secret to Jump-Starting a Successful Freelancing Career in Kenya

Secret to Jump-Starting a Successful Freelancing Career in Kenya

Five years ago when I started freelance writing, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that I needed a few extra coins to get me through campus. I had no one to guide me on how to get started or enlighten me on how freelance writers really do their thing.

In fact, I never thought freelance writing was a career that someone could hold onto for a leaving. It took me quite some time to believe that there are people out here leaving their dreams and building multi-million businesses just out of freelancing.

Of course, after a few Google reads about freelance writing, I had an idea. The very basic and impractical ideas that bloggers display out there for you. I think all I knew was to research, write, don’t plagiarize, and don’t make grammatical errors. Yes, it was that basic and shallow. And that’s what I used to do.

However, I knew I wanted more, but from where? I never knew.

After completing campus and, of course, diving into the job market, freelance writing still remained a part of me as I continued doing it part-time (writing for people).

Much as I was earning a mere $5 per 500 words, I was comfortable since it supplemented my income just fine.

However, I Wanted More!

As time went by, I started feeling uncomfortable with my job. I knew I wanted more, and I wanted better.

I so deeply wanted to escape the rat race, to stop dealing with crazy bosses, and to quit waiting for paychecks that disappear as soon as they arrive.
I wanted to become a full-time freelance writer
I wanted to know how people earn a decent living out of freelance writing.
I wanted to build my own successful freelancing business
I wanted to know how to get high-paying freelance clients and unending flow of jobs,
And yes,
I wanted to know how to become rich through freelance writing.

Whether you are a veteran freelancer or an aspiring newbie who has no idea how to get started, I know these questions have run through your mind a thousand times. I know how it feels when you really want something but don’t know how or where to get it.

If you’re currently in this position, worry not coz your dilemma ends here.

If you’re currently dealing with some ungrateful boss who doesn’t recognize your efforts, if you’re tired of breaking your neck working 8-6pm and still earning pennies, if you’re sick of asking for promotions and pay reviews that fall on deaf ears, if you’re tired of feeling like somebody’s slave and you just want to be your own boss, then its time to take action!

My Sigh of Relief!
It never took me long till I bumped into Walter Akolo’s blog, This must have been the luckiest day of my life.

You wonder why?

Because I got more than what I had been looking for, for years. I read one blog after the other and never wanted to stop. Walter’s blogs are loaded with knowledge and lots of priceless advice for freelancers.

What’s more, he has gone an extra mile and put up a comprehensive course for those freelancers who are serious about earning a decent (not just basic) living out of freelancing.

This was one of the best and worthwhile courses I’ve ever taken in my entire freelancing journey. Imagine gaining more skills in a single month than you’ve gained in a whopping 5 years doing trial and error?

I Stole From an Expert
You see, Walter is not just another ordinary freelancer. He is a well-reputed and highly-rated freelance writer who has mastered the game since 2011.

Walter is a successful freelance writer, blogger, and internet marketer. He has also become a Level 2 Seller in Fiverr and a top-rated content creator on Upwork.

Through his expertise (and goodwill), he has coached more than 2,000 freelancers, some of whom have grown to become among the best writers in the region. You can guess that the tips and secrets he offers are not those of an armature.

The Freelance Training Course
The online freelance training course helps newbie freelancers start their careers effortlessly. As a newbie, it helps you to surpass the struggles some of us went through when getting started.

And guess what? It’s only going for $40 (Ksh.4,000) right now.
The course is made up of 19 lessons divided into 8 chapters- each chapter handles an essential element of freelancing that every freelancer needs to know.

What You Get

1. Article writing training to equip you with the best writing skills

2. Expert guide on how to write a winning proposal/bid successfully

3. Top-notch tips on how to write articles that clients love

4. Assessment and scoring of your sample articles

5. An analysis of your proposal samples

6. Detailed guides on how to get amazing clients

7. Mentorship and follow-up

8. Four-week support period where your articles, proposals, profiles, pitches, and website will be checked and optimized.

9. Assessment of your online work profiles and tips for improvement

10. Two free submissions at PenStars, an international content assessment website: Your first two articles will be thoroughly assessed, and you will be given feedback on your performance and need for improvement.

11. All your queries about freelance writing will also be answered during this period

3 Options
As an upcoming freelancer, you only have 3 options to choose from:

Option 1: Give up on your dreams and the financial freedom that freelancers enjoy. (Well, I don’t think you would have read this far if you wanted that)

Option 2: Brace yourself for the struggle and take the longest path to a successful freelancing career

Option 3: Avoid the hustle, take the course, and reach your financial goals without the unnecessary headaches.

Sign Up NOW and watch your freelance earnings skyrocket in a single month.

To sign up, simply send 40$ (Ksh. 4,000) to 0720754933 and text Walter your email address.
or Click here to pay via PayPal and join automatically. You’ll immediately get started with the online training which goes for a month.

PS: At the beginning, the course went for only $20 (Ksh.2,000). However, due to increasing demand, the pricing keeps going up. Make this your chance to Sing Up before the next increment, because it’s coming soon.

Cheers to More Earnings!!

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