Things You Must Have in Your First Aid Kit

Things You Must Have in Your First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is an essential item to have in your family home as it ensures that you are prepared to handle any injuries if they happen to arise. But what exactly should you have in your kit? Take a look at the list below to see just a few of the things you need to care for your loved ones in the event of a medical emergency…

First aid manual

This is a terrific resource to have in a family setting, especially if children find themselves caring for a wounded person and need to follow instructions in order to know what they should do.

Triangular bandages

These oversized cotton bandages can be used as a sling for anyone who may have soft tissue damage or a broken bone.

Disposable gloves

When you're dealing with an open wound, the last thing you want to do is risk infection. Having rubber gloves on hand will ensure that you can tend to the problem without the risk of contaminating the wound.

Antiseptic solution

When dealing with cuts, grazes or open wounds, an antiseptic solution can be applied to ensure that the area is not infected down the track.

Combine bandages

These thick bandages are good for covering wounds or controlling bleeding.


To rinse cuts, grazes, or other injuries where the wound may need cleaning.


A great tool to have for measuring and keeping track of fevers.


If a foreign object becomes lodged in the eye, this solution can help to clear it out or, at the very least, soothe the discomfort.

Cold pack

These are great for people who are experiencing swelling or skin reactions and need something cool to help soothe the pain or discomfort.


A first aid kit isn't just for serious injuries – tweezers can help you to easily remove things like splinters from the skin if your little ones have been running around without any shoes on.


For cutting bandages, tape, and other materials.

A notepad and pen

It's a good idea to include this in your kit as it will remind you to write down symptoms and details of what caused it. This information can be important for doctors or paramedics to know if the situation requires further assistance.

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