Requirements Of Being An Air Hostess and Cabin Crew in Kenya

Requirements Of Being An Air Hostess and Cabin Crew in Kenya

Working as an air hostess in the world is a dream come true for many people. Jetting off to numerous exotic destinations and meeting new people from diverse cultural backgrounds is a plus. In fact, interacting with the wealthy, influential, and famous is the norm. We do not forget the bountiful salary and allowances.

This is one of the most profitable jobs in Kenya. The minimum salary for a fresh graduate in this field is Ksh40,000 minus allowances in major airlines, such as the Kenya Airways. Many look at those beautiful girls with perfectly clad gears, sultry smiles and aspire to be like that one day. Air hostesses are normal women, but cabin crew comprises of all the people working in a flight.

Duties of an air hostess

  • Welcoming all passengers on board and ensuring that they are well seated
  • Ensuring all security and safety measures are adhered to
  • Ensuring all expected passengers are on board
  • Serving meals and drinks in some airlines, not all of them offer this service.
  • Answering any inquiries from the passengers on board

Requirements for Becoming an air hostess in Kenya

  1. Character/Personality

You require to have a friendly, outgoing personality. This will make communications among passengers much easier. Confidence is additionally a requirement. You must continually walk with your head held straight.

2. Great physique

As an air hostess in Kenya, you are the image of the airline. Therefore, beauty is of utmost importance. Probably, you’ve already seen how perfect those flight attendants are. The airline has to uphold the international measures of beauty. 

Weight and height are likewise a consideration. You need to be at least 5ft2 or 157cm. The weight should additionally be proportional to height. Therefore, physical fitness should be the first priority if you want to pursue this career.

3. First aid knowledge/swimming

Accidents are a common occurrence in life. As an air hostess, the knowledge in first aid servicing is very important. An accident may happen with a passenger, and you’d be required to offer assistance.

There is additionally the fact that planes have issues sometimes. Swimming is a survival mechanism in case the plane plunges or makes an emergency landing in the middle of an ocean. Well, if you will still be alive in this scenario, swimming will come in hand.

4. Medically fit

Mental and physical health is a necessity. An airline won’t employ at all you if they find out you’re not mentally fit. Your vision needs to also be good, 6/6 or 6/24 in both eyes.

5. Language

A flight attendant requires to be proficient in English language. It is the number one most widely spoken language across the globe. Other languages are also an added advantage. A person with a mastery of several languages has an advantage over those who only know one or two languages.

6. Education

Like several other professional careers, this similarly requires education. This course usually takes a minimum of 3 months. Your beauty, confidence, skills, and also health need to be matched with training. 

Institutions/ colleges offering cabin crew and air hostess training include:

  • Career Training Center
  • Regional Aviation Training
  • Kenya Aeronautical College
  • Kenya Utalii College
  • Trans-Eastern Airlines Aviation College, Airport Campus
  • Nairobi Aviation Institute
  • Mombasa Aviation Training Institute
  • The Kenya Airways Pride Center
  • Skytech Aviation College
  • Skyways Aviation Training Institute
  • Strathmore University
  • Daystar University

The qualifications differ depending on the school, and so does the duration of the study. 


Taking the program does not guarantee the job. If it is a dream for you, then giving up won’t be an easy option, even if it takes time. Other airlines want their hostesses to be unmarried, or if married, they should not get pregnant while serving. If they get pregnant while employed, they are fired immediately that it is discovered. The older you get, the fewer uncertainties of becoming an air hostess. They prefer young, agile girls. Airlines will additionally not employ anyone under the age of 18.

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