You know those questions about your vagina that you’re apprehensive about asking your girlfriends, and can’t possibly reach your doctor all the time?
We’ve decided to make things easier for you by addressing your burning questions head-on.
How am I really supposed to smell down there?
The truth is, while everyone smells different down south, nobody smells like a garden. All vaginas have a natural odor, and these odors don’t stay the same, depending on the time of the month or even your daily activities. For example, you may notice a muskier smell after a workout. This is due to moisture released by sweat glands in the region. Diet could be a factor too – citrus-based fruits like oranges and grapefruit are known to sweeten the smell of vaginal fluids, while, onions and broccoli may cause odors that some dislike. Women on periods may find that their vaginas’ smell slightly metallic. However, these are completely natural occurrences, and you should only see your doctor when the smell gets intolerably unpleasant.
Yes, it can be! While having acne (also known as vaginal pimples) down there is uncomfortable, it’s usually not a big problem. The vaginal area is one of the more sensitive parts of our body and can be irritated by shaving, waxing, hormonal changes or detergents. Hair follicles can be infected during the process, resulting in pimples or ingrown hair (hair that happens to grow inside a pimple). Fret not though, pimples usually clear up on their own within a few weeks. Meanwhile, likewise with facial pimples, try not to pop your vaginal pimples, as doing it can lead to even more irritation and ultimately, more pimples. Consult your gynecologist, if you are very much worried about your vaginal pimples.
Having a vaginal itch is uncomfortable to talk about and deal with. However, before you start thinking there’s something wrong going on down there, hold your horses! It’s likely perfectly normal, Yes, soap. You use it to clean yourself, so why would there be an itch? Well, certain soaps, especially scented ones can disrupt your vagina’s natural pH balance (an acidity-alkalinity scale where a slightly acidic level is ideal for preventing the growth of micro-organisms), causing you to itch even though you’re cleaning yourself a lot. One solution is to use a specially formulated cleanser like the Betadine Daily Feminine Wash, which balances your nether region’s pH balance without being too harsh on your skin. If you’re the type who won’t feel clean unless you see lots of soapsuds, try the foamy version.
Don’t worry, your vagina isn’t a black hole. Whether you’re worrying about tampons, menstrual cups or Kegel balls, it’s not possible for anything to get up into your uterus. This is because the cervix is small enough to block any access. However, you may sometimes find it difficult to reach these objects. If that happens, relax try relaxing your muscles, and sit or squat down first before fishing it out. If all fails (which is rare), get a doctor to help you get it out. Do note the importance of getting a tampon out as soon as you can. As advised by tampon manufacturers, a tampon shouldn’t be left inside your vagina for more than eight hours.
What’s the white residue inside my vagina lips?

Notice some whitish, cheese-like residue on the inside of your vagina lips, between your labia or around your clitoral hood, even when you clean yourself every day? And they come back no matter how you clean them off? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with you, neither is it a sign of poor hygiene habits. What you see is smegma – a natural lubricating residue made up of shredded skin cells, oil secretions, moisture, and sweat. These fluids, when built up, lead to smegma. While smegma is normal, you should still clean it off regularly, and not let it accumulate into a crusty mess that could not only smell but catch your bedroom partner off-guard!
Does My Vagina Look Normal?
The chances of getting pregnant on your period are low because you’re typically a few days away from ovulation. Pregnancy occurs when you have an egg that can be fertilized, says Dr. Sinha, so technically, on the first few days of your period, the chances of getting pregnant are very, very low because there’s no egg to be fertilized.
“Sometimes, women ovulate at random times during their cycle or have a shorter cycle, so if you ovulate really soon after your cycle is over, it might be possible.”
In short: If you have a regular cycle of about 28 days, it’s very unlikely. If you have a short cycle or ovulate at random times, it is theoretically possible.

It’s normal and actually a good thing to feel like you have to pee during sex. The sensation of having to urinate means the clitoris or G spot is being stimulated and you’re on your way to orgasm, Sinha says.
You may feel pressure around your bladder from the penis, too, and that can make you feel like you have to go. “If you can get past the feeling, you’ll realize it’s actually just the stimulation coming from sexual activity and you really don’t have to urinate.”
If you want to avoid this sensation, you and your partner can also try different sexual positions to find what’s comfortable for you both.
After a vaginal delivery, your vagina should return to normal after about 6 weeks. If you had major tears in your vaginal opening, it could take 8 to 12 weeks to return to its regular size.
“If you did have some tearing during birth and your vagina is larger and you’re not having much enjoyment during sex, surgeons can perform vaginoplasty to reconstruct the vagina,” she adds. Most of the time, surgery is not necessary and your body will adjust back on its own. Not all doctors agree that vaginal rejuvenation surgeries are helpful, but some research has found that it can help sexual satisfaction.
Why Is It So Hard For Me To Orgasm?
If you have difficulty orgasming, there's no reason to be embarrassed. In fact, according to Planned Parenthood, as many as one in three women have trouble reaching orgasm when having sex. "This can be from a combination of factors, some physical and some psychological," Dr. Alex Ferro, OB/GYN says. But if you are worried about this issue, feel free to consult with your OB/GYN about solutions.
Does eating different foods change how I smell?

Although there’s not a lot of research in this field, experts say in some cases what you eat could affect your smell.
“Garlic and any sort of spices with a strong smell can get into your vaginal secretions which will result in you smelling like that food,” Scurfield says.
Ultimately, though, it’s not a big deal and you shouldn’t avoid particular foods for fear of it affecting your smell down there.
Is my vaginal discharge normal?

“Until you go through menopause, you’re supposed to have vaginal discharge,” Dr. Park proclaims. That said, these fluids can vary depending on the time of the month and whether or not you’re on birth control. Around the time of ovulation, the cervical mucus will almost look like an egg white. At other times, it may have more of a liquid consistency.
But, again, your discharge shouldn’t smell foul—this could be a sign of an STI. Chunky, cottage-cheese-like discharge that’s accompanied by burning and itching is most likely a yeast infection, says Dr. Park. Your OB/GYN will be able to tell exactly what the issue is and how to take care of it.
Is fingering safe?

During foreplay or romance, as part of it, some people insert their finger or fingers into the vagina. The question is, how many people wash their hands before sexual intercourse? Some people do not even keep their nails clean so it gathers a lot of germs and during the fingering, these germs are deposited in the vagina...leading to infection. The same thing applies to auto-pleasure acts or masturbation.
Is Vaginal Discharge during Pregnancy a Matter of Concern?

Pregnancy puts your body in a state of metamorphosis that causes a lot of things to change externally and internally. Vaginal discharges are not a new thing for most women. However, seeing a white jelly discharge during pregnancy might make you wonder what it is all about. The form of discharge might be different from your usual ones, maybe thicker than always, and smell a bit weird, too.
What happens the first time you have sex?
Everyone’s “first time” is different. But one of the most important parts of being prepared for sex is making sure you use birth control and condoms to help prevent pregnancy and STDs. Here’s what happens when you lose your virginity.
What is up with the strong odor from vaginal discharge?
When vaginal discharge becomes odorous and itchy, it is usually caused by an imbalance of the vaginal pH. This change suppresses the healthy bacteria, called Lactobacillus, and it is unable to do its job of keeping the vagina clean and healthy. This imbalance causes an overgrowth of a variety of microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, and fungi - producing yeast and bacterial infections (BV). With these come odor and itching or burning.
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