How Much is One Likely to Earn from Running a Blog in Kenya

How Much is One Likely to Earn from Running a Blog in Kenya

One of the things you can do to generate income and create a lifestyle you want is by becoming a blogger. Blogging is turning out to be something one can do to create geographical and financial independence. It is one way to get away from the 9 to 5 kind of work. However, as a Kenyan, one key question that you might be asking yourself is; how much is one likely to earn from running a blog in Kenya?

This is something that I wondered about for a while before I started my blog. This resource is aimed at trying to answer that question and to help you better understand what to expect if you choose blogging as a business.

Blogging is an online opportunity that you can exploit. You can build a career or a business based on your blogging. More importantly, you can earn an income or generate revenues.

The amount of money you are likely to earn running a blog in Kenya depends on various factors.

I do not know about you, but the idea of being financially independent is a very attractive one to me.  It is even more urgent after the world went belly-up due to the global crisis in 2020.

I will discuss those factors with you later in this article. Therefore, ensure you stick to the end. Haha!

How much is one likely to earn from running a blog in Kenya?

If you are running a blog in Kenya, you are likely to earn revenues ranging from $10 to $100,000 from your blog. The amount of money you earn from your blog will depend on the niche you are in, how you monetize the blog and also the sources of your traffic.

Earning from a Blog in Kenya

Like every other business, your blog earnings will be based on your efforts. The input or investment you make in building a successful blog will show in the amount of income you generate.

It is very possible for you to earn full-time income from your blog. This is something that others bloggers are doing. There is therefore no reason why you cannot do it.

What is important is for you to focus on your blog, and have the long-term vision of the business you are building. Knowing how you would make money from or with your blog is also critical to the success of your blog.

How to start a blog in Kenya that Earns Money.

If you are reading this, it is possible that you already know what a blog is, have an existing blog or want to start one. Let me assume you have not started a blog.

So, how do you start a blog that earns you money in Kenya?

Starting a blog is not complicated. It is simple or easy, especially if you are interested in the blogging as a business or even as a hobby.

I must however warn you. Blogging is not a get-quick rich scheme. It takes lots of hard work to make it work. You must be committed to building a business long – term to make a blog work in Kenya.

However, if you are already aligned to building a blog as business, then you will put in the time and resources required to build a successful blog to earn you money.

How to Start a Blog in Kenya.

To build a blog in Kenya, you will need the following;

  1. A niche or topic for your blog.
  2. To register a domain name.
  3. Secure hosting for your website.
  4. Produce content or articles for your blog.

These are the basic things you need to start a blog in Kenya. The most important is the content, and understanding that the content is meant to serve your readers or audience.

How much it costs to set a blog in Kenya

As you work on how much one is likely to earn from running a blog in Kenya, you must also look at the cost of setting up a blog. This is simply because the set up costs affect your profits from the blog.

Gross profit of your blog is important in measuring the healthy of your blog business.

If your income is more than your expenses, then you are making a profit. That is a good signal.

To set up a blog in Kenya, you should consider the following costs;

  1. Domain registration.
  2. Website hosting.
  3. Domain Registration & Website Hosting

There are a number of companies that offer domain registration and also website hosting services. It would be advisable that you compare their services and prices before making a decision on the one to use.

I use Bluehost, and it is a service that I would highly recommend to you.

What are the chances of making money from a blog

Like every other business, making money with a blog requires a plan and a strategy. It is important that you think about it even before you set up your blog business.

How will I make money with my blog? This is the first question you should answer during your planning stage or phase.

The reason why this is important is that it helps you avoid flying blind as they say.

You do not want to build a blog without clarity of how the blog will make money. There are various ways in which your blog can make money. These include;

  • Display adverts
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Own products

However, to make all these options work, you need to have or rather drive traffic to your blog. To drive traffic, you need to have great content on your blog.

Therefore, the foundation of a successful blog is actually having great content. This content should be helpful to your target audience, and should be well optimized on the search engines.

How to earn money running a blog in Kenya

As mentioned above, there are several ways in which you can earn money running a blog in Kenya. These include;

  1. Display Adverts.
  2. Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Digital Products or Services.

In this section, we shall look at a number of options you can consider.

1.   Display Adverts

The easiest way to make money from your blog is from advertising. While it is easy to implement, it is also one of the lowest paying ways to monetize your blog.

Having said that, I like this option because you can easily test the viability of your blog.

By using advertising platforms like Adsense, Ezoic, Mediavine and AdThrive, you are creating a revenue stream for your blogging business.

To make good money with adverts from your blogs, you will need to drive thousands of traffic to your blog.

2.   Affiliate Marketing

This is another way in which you can make money with your blog. But you might ask, what is affiliate marketing?

In its most basic form, affiliate marketing is simply a way in which you earn money by recommending products or services you use and love to your audience.

Once someone makes a purchase through your unique link, you get a cut or a commission from that sale.

3.   Own Digital Products and Services

Building your own products or services means you will keep most of the profits. I say this because advert networks and affiliate programs always keep a share of the money you generate.

However, creating your own products, and I mean digital products can take time. Putting in the work or investing the time to create it provides you with an opportunity to take your blog to the next level.

How much can a Kenyan blogger earn per month

As a Kenyan blogger, you can earn anything from about $100 to $50,000 per month. This depends on your revenue streams or how you have monetized your blog.

While most bloggers in Kenya monetize their blogs through such programs as Adsense, there are other ways in which a blogger can make money from their blogs.

This is all based on the content you produce, and also the traffic you drive to your blog.

The more traffic you have, the more money you make.

How much money can you make from a blog

This must be the million-dollar question on your mind. How much money can I make from my blog?

The truth is that this depends entirely on you, and your efforts. Internet or rather blogging is full of cases of successful bloggers who are living their dream lives off the income they generate from their blogs.

At the same time, there are bloggers who make zero from their blogs. As you can see, blogging is not easy, but it does not mean it is impossible.

The following are some bloggers from whom you can get inspiration based on what they are doing.

How long it would take you to start generating income from your blog in Kenya.

I know what you are thinking. You want this cash as soon as possible. But how long does it take to start generating income from your blog in Kenya?

Now, let us get something straight. Blogging is not a get-rich quick scheme. So, if that is what you are looking for, then stop right now.

Blogging business is not for you.

It takes about 90 days to 730 days to start generating income from a blog in Kenya.

This depends in various factors such as your niche, how good you are at keyword research and how quickly search engines rank your article.


In conclusion, it is very possible for you to earn money from running a blog in Kenya. The amount of money you generate or earn from a blog business depends on your efforts.

As mentioned above, running a blog in Kenya is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it is a serious business. In fact, if you put in the effort required to build your blog; you will earn income that ranges from $100 to $100,000 per month.

This means that your worry of how much one is likely to earn from running a blog in Kenya is solved, and you can clearly see how much you can make.

Blogging is a serious business. If you take it seriously, you will likely make enough money to have geographical and financial independence.

Imagine how your life would be if you had no worry about finances, or if you can work from anywhere in the globe. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Imagine working while on holiday in New York, in Maldives, Australia or in the United Kingdom. That is the kind of lifestyle a blogging business can give you.

This is not fiction. It can be your reality.

I am sure you would want to have such an opportunity.

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