Milk is more helpful and beneficial to women’s health

Milk is more helpful and beneficial to women’s health

Since childhood, we are taught to take milk to make our
bones strong and increase our body calcium. Nowadays there are many varieties
of milk available in the market like soy milk, almond milk, pasteurized milk,
toned milk, low-fat milk, skimmed milk, cow milk, raw milk, etc., depending on
the needs and taste buds of people.

Milk has many essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

  • Calcium,

  • Choline

  • Potassium,

  • Phosphorous

  • Magnesium.

  • Vitamins….A,D
    B2, B6and,B12.

Women are more at danger of losing bone mass and density,
prone to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis as they undergo stages of the menstruation
cycle, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause in their lives. They are more
sensitive emotionally and physically and more susceptible to bone-related, skin-related and nervous problems.

Women who are mostly working indoors and away from sunrays
are more prone to low vitamin D. They are eternally on their feet and highly
active in running a household, raising kids and other activities that make them
susceptible to knee-related and stress-related anguish. Milk is more helpful
and beneficial to women’s health.

Milk as a source of calcium and vitamin D

As milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, it prevents
osteoporosis and bone loss. Calcium is good for teeth too as it helps in
controlling oral acidity it also helps in fighting tooth decay. Women are more
prone to calcium depletion during pregnancy and menstruation, hence consumption
of milk helps in preventing the above.

Vitamin D is important for cell growth regulation and to
protect from cancer and also to prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
Drinking milk every day is an important part of dietary consumption in women as
it is linked to a reduction in the progression of osteoarthritis of the
knee disease.

Milk as a source of potassium

Milk is effective in controlling blood pressure and helps in
blood clotting as it is a source of potassium. Potassium is good to reduce BP,
reduces heart disease, protects against loss of muscle mass, preservation of
bone mineral density, and also reduces the formation of kidney stones. One cup
of milk gives around 366 mg of potassium. BP fluctuations, low calcium, low protein
is common during pregnancy and menopause in women. To help in maintaining good
bone density and prevent fractures in old age consumption of milk is important.

Milk as a source of chlorine

Chlorine is an important nutrient essential to support good
sleep, good muscle movement, effective learning and a good memory. It also
helps to maintain cell membrane structure, assists in fat absorption, lessens
chronic inflammation and also aids in transmission of nerve impulses.

Other uses of Milk

  • Weight
    management. Regular consumption of milk helps in maintaining body weight.

  • Milk
    is a good source of protein that is important for bone building

  • Lactose
    content in milk prevents dangerous bacteria from clogging in intestines
    and helps in their effective functioning.

  • Milk
    is a good source of vitamins, minerals and proteins and calcium all packed
    into one drink.

  • Consumption
    of milk is said to reduce the risk of colon cancer and protects from
    colorectal cancer.
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