Why Facebook Addiction Is Considered Unhealthy

Why Facebook Addiction Is Considered Unhealthy

Over ten years ago, we didn’t have Facebook friends but real ones. Although the online site delivers superior platforms to deliberate our endless societal progress ranging from politics, education, spiritual, job opportunities, and other societal cognizance, it has its deleterious part.

Abridged privacy, waste of time, and infatuation results from excessive use of the social media platform. Facebook’s mission is clear: Connect with friends, family, and other people you know. Share photos and videos, send messages, and get updates. Monitoring how we do our connection is noteworthy.

“Using Facebook is not a bad thing but if it is over-used it has the potential of withdrawing us from real relationships that define us. As a social tool, it should always enhance our offline relationship rather than undermining them”, articulates Anthony Mukere, a journalist.

Today, we will expose the traits of Facebook addicts. Practice the online platform moderately to bond with your loved ones and get global updates without losing your real self.

The first characteristic of a Facebook addict is sharing everything you come across whether valuable or not. Unfortunately, these habits likely affect other people since privacy isn’t observed. Distinguish dissimilarity between propaganda, facts, and truth. Eminence is not earned wrongly.

Some users feel good when their right-minded friends argue over their pointless posts. If you come across a person posting recurrently from any source without verification, that is an addiction.

Responding to messages or posts habitually without considering the timing. Whenever you see a new notification you must reply even at the wee hours of the night. Failing to fight back the urge of giving a reaction in any given circumstances.

This will likely affect your job or learning; having sleepless nights only to provide unnecessary feedback. Remember, this is one of the signs that you are an aficionado of Facebook.

“It distracts one from more important things like school and work that is not related to social media but that needs to be attended to”, states Elizabeth Irungu, a Journalist, and Social Media Influencer.

This one is very common. We have friends who constantly post pictures of them at a restaurant, gym, schools, and supermarkets among other places. Broadcasting your daily activities on Facebook, feeling honorable when a friend likes or comment.

Now that Facebook added live videos, you are not left behind to show us the very minute of your visual schedule. Next time attempt to mend your ways and avoid ‘too much report’.

For the finest photos, you come across online, editing software do the work. Some users blindly believe such deception to be real and end up associating with such Facebook friends, ultimately sending private-personal details. This pattern is so bad since online trust is rated zero. Online bullying is real for naïve teenagers.

“There’s a famous catchphrase “fake it till you make” Facebook and social media, in general, makes a lot of people “brag” about their lifestyles and some go as far as lying about how they are living! This may seem harmless at the start but in the long run, people end up living a lie forever on Facebook instead of working for the real-life”, adds Elizabeth Irungu.

If Facebook limits your divine moments, then you are addicted to it. Facebook devotees rarely get time to pray and observe other worshipping aspects. At the extreme end, you could shamelessly be using the online site in worshipping places. Detached your life from the online fantasy and be realistic towards accomplishing your obligations.

Before launching of Facebook, we had our social lives, interacting with friends and families. Another way to know if a person is hooked on the online site is the way they value the number of likes and friends they have.

Such an individual puts effort to associate with a user who has more friends and receives additional notification in their timeline. For example, you end up bragging friends on Facebook. Worse enough, you have no knowledge of these online friends save few.

This is one of the damaging effects of social media, by extension, the internet. A person steadily loses contact with real folks making it challenging to have a natural face-to-face dialogue. From the routine online chat, giving your time to a friend is cumbersome. This is clear in the event that people having a talk but of them is frequently on the phone. Craving to Facebook changes the social activeness of a person.

Another problem related to Facebook obsession is the health complication resulting from too much use of online media. Various studies were conducted primarily to establish the consequence of such obsession.

The previous study articulates that spending too much time on the internet causes poor eating habits, lack of exercise, drinking alcohol, smoking, and reduced sleep; which is the main challenge affecting most of the internet users across the globe. The point of argument here emanates from lack of time for such healthy activity as having enough sleep and working out.

“Excessive use of Facebook has made it easy for users to post nude pictures which go against morality. This also adds to the fact that the site is not confidential especially for personal details, it can easily be hacked.

Healthwise, I believe straining eyes on the screen for long is not healthy either. Although it has merits and demerits, moderate use of the social site is the best alternative”, expresses Ahmed Shariff, a businessman.

Do you agree with this? The first thing you do in the morning is checking for Facebook notification and the last thing before bed is social media. The highest level of addiction. Such a user suffers from depression and loneliness; with the presence of hundreds of online friends. Stress, they said is a contributing factor, especially when disengaged from Facebook due to untimely circumstances.
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