Frequent Urination: Is it Normal? Find Out!

Frequent Urination: Is it Normal? Find Out!

Urinary frequency, or frequent urination, refers to the feeling of needing to
urinate more frequently than average. This uncomfortable issue disturbs a
person's daily routine and indicates a health issue.

Waste fluids are excluded from the body through urination.
The waste fluids contain water, uric acid, urea, and toxins. The bladder holds
urine until it reaches a point of fullness, and then it gets expelled from the
body. If you have to pee more often, there could be a medical issue. Let’s find
out in detail about frequent urination.

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Frequent Urination

The desire to urinate more frequently than you usually would is frequent
urination. When the need strikes, you may lose control of your bladder. It may
feel that your bladder is overflowing, which is an unpleasant condition.

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition characterized by
excessive urine, so the names are sometimes used interchangeably. ss

Normally an individual urinates six to seven times daily.
When a person needs to urinate more than seven times in 24 hours after
consuming around 2 liters of fluid, they are said to have frequent urination.

According to the Urology Care Foundation, it is necessary to
urinate eight or more times in 24 hours. Identifying and treating the
underlying cause of frequent urination is the key to successful treatment.

The frequency of urination can occasionally signify
something more serious, even though the cause is apparent. Proper diagnosis can
lead to proper treatment, reducing the risk of further problems.


There are several systems in the body involved in the process of urination. In
other words, multiple factors can go wrong in this physical procedure

More use of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages is one of the
most common lifestyle factors—Doctors term this nocturia, which interrupts the
night's sleep cycle with urination demands.

More urination can indicate a serious issue, in some
instances, they include:


Urethra or renal issues

Bladder issues

Prostatic gland disorders

The following are some possible causes:

Infection of the urinary tract



Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs)

A cyst in the pelvic region

A cyst in the bladder

Inflammation of bladder wall (interstitial

Neurological disorder

Stones in the urinary system

Diuretics and other drugs



Peeing more frequently without increasing urine flow is the primary sign of
frequent urination. Urinary frequency can have a detrimental impact on an
individual's quality of life.

People who often urinate may also have the following
symptoms, depending on the underlying cause:

Dripping following urinating

Bloating and Cramp

Loss of bladder control

Pain during urination

Nocturia, unable to sleep due to frequent urge
to urinate

Frequent urination can negatively impact someone's quality
of life. The signs that require advance investigation include:

Extreme thirsty


Bloody urine

More discharge from the vagina or penis

Increase frequency of urine

Urinary incontinence

Unable to urinate even though there is a need to

Lower back and stomach ache



This can also indicate an underlying disease, such as an
infection in the kidney. It can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys if not
treated. So contacting the Best Urologist in Multan
on time is best if you are peeing more often than usual.


Treatment plans will rely on the primary reason for an individual’s frequent

Such as, if a person has a diabetic diagnosis, professionals
will design a strategy to control their sugar levels. And if an individual has
a kidney issue, the common plan of treatment includes painkillers and


Acupuncture has been used for generations to treat various ailments. OAB and
incontinence are among the disorders for which it is regularly prescribed.

Some studies show that it is an effective therapy to treat
frequent urination.

While according to some other resources acupuncture does not
appear to be a reliable treatment for urinary problems. A comprehensive
evaluation of the research on acupuncture for incontinence published in 2013
found no evidence of its efficacy.

According to a literature review conducted in 2018, there's
not enough evidence to say with certainty that acupuncture aids OAB.

Moreover, people diagnosed with an overactive bladder may
get practice to control their bladder, anticholinergic, and different aids.
Practice in behavioral abilities might also assist.

Bladder Practice and Activities

Other therapies deal with frequent urination rather than an underlying cause.
These include the below.

Check Liquid Consumption

This may demonstrate that consuming a lot at specific times is the primary
reason for more urination.

Bladder Practice

It includes practicing the bladder to retain pee more.

Kegel Exercises

These are the normal physical activities, which individuals mostly do during
pregnancy. It can intensify the muscles of the urethra and pelvis and assist
the bladder. For better outcomes, do Kegel exercises for a minimum of four to
eight weeks, ten to twenty times at once, three times a day.

Biofeedback Therapy

A person does this therapy with Kegel exercises. It assists them in becoming
more aware of how their body operates. This knowledge might assist patients in
improving the control of their pelvic muscles.

Preventive Measures

Adopting a healthy diet and having an active way of living might help control
urine production.

This may involve restricting alcohol and caffeine intake.

Cutting out items that might irritate the bladder or
function as a diuretic, spicy meals, chocolate, and artificial sweeteners.


Some individuals have to pee frequently. Urinating six to seven times a day is
okay. There could be many reasons for more frequent urination. You should
consult a doctor if you have any other symptoms or if the disease is affecting
your quality of life. Health care providers can identify and treat any
underlying health issues present. You can contact the Best urologist through Marham by
following a few easy steps within your comfort.


1. What is frequent urination a sign of?

Problems with your urinary tract and bladder are among the most common reasons
you have to go to the bathroom often. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are other
reasons people have to pee so often.

2. How often should a person urinate in a day?

In 24 hours, it is okay to urinate six to eight times. Drinking too much fluid
or ingesting too much coffee (a diuretic) might be blamed if you urinate more
frequently than usual.

3. What not to eat if you have an overactive bladder?

OAB patients should avoid these foods.

Tea and coffee.


Citrus food


Drinks containing alcohol

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