Get your site approved in Google News

Get your site approved in Google News

Nowadays, there is no better source than Google News to gain high-quality and huge traffic for your website. Initially, there were only a few publishers on Google News thus everything was quite easy. Now, many sites have entered Google News to drive traffic for their blog/website.

Google News - Fact:

Google News still acts as a very good source of traffic generator, huge sites like Wordpress turn towards it to gain a positive outcome. 

Provided the site has quality content in abundance, Google News can bring in huge amount of traffic. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get into the top news on Google with your site.

Step by Step guide to get your site on Google News

1. The Theme and Look of Your Website

The theme of your website plays a vital role in getting approved for Google News. Use proper layouts and categorize each section to provide a better viewing experience to your audiences. 

Distinguish each section such as Politics, Education, Lifestyle, Technology, Entertainment, etc.

The theme should meet the purpose of your website. Wordpress users can set their eyes on Magazine Style Theme which is popular amongst the users.

2. Provide all the required information

Your website must have the following pages which are must and should

  • • Contact Us
  • • About Us
  • • Authors bio (information regarding the Author handling the website)

This creates a positive impact in the minds of users when you offer them reliability and transparency. If someone wants to connect, that can happen instantly.

3. Make use of multiple authors

It is needless to say that a single person does not hold the capacity to deliver huge amount of content on a day-to-day basis. 

At the least you should have 2-3 authors who are well versed with their writing skills and are able to cover trending topics every single day.

4. Say NO to Job updates, How to guides and Notifications

Posting about jobs is big mistake according to Google News terms of use. 

Before you apply for Google News, make sure to eliminate job updates and notificationsfrom you website. 

However, it is okay if you post these updates after approval of your site.

Websites with how to guides are also rejected by Google News so keep this in mind as well. The website should include the latest news and not how to guides. Exclude these for the news sitemap. 

5. Author bio should be mandatory on all post pages

Author name is a must, author bio is usually optional.

However, if you are applying for getting approved then incorporating complete information will increase your chances of making it through. 

6. Categorize each section

Every website has some categories so you must divide content into different categories and sub categories if required. Google News generally asks for various sections like Technology, Entertainment, Headlines, etc.

7. Publish as many articles as you can

You have many more number of chances to get into the news if you publish more content on a daily basis. 

Publish at least 10 articles per day and 15 articles at the max a few days before applying for Google News. 

8. Make sure you sound grammatically correct

Your application gets reviewed manually by the Google News Team. Entire website will get evaluated by the team with a few articles getting literally read. 

No matter even if you satisfy all the needed guidelines, if there are any grammatical errors, there are plenty of chances that application would get declined without giving any second thought. 

9. Google News Sitemap and News Keyword Tag

Generally the sitemap that you have on your blog is different than that on the Google News sitemap. The Google News sitemap only has 1000 URLs in the index at a time.

Users need one more additional tab called news_keywords tag. 

This is optional at initial stage. However if you have this, your chances of getting approved would undoubtedly increase. 

If you fail to follow the above steps? What to do?

Don’t worry. Following the above steps would help you get into Google News. Although it is bit tough to carry out, one must definitely give them a try to multiply your chances of landing in the Google News feed.

At times, even when you apply all the rules your application might get rejected due to some mystery reasons.

What you can do now?

You can buy a website/domain that is already listed in Google News. There are many sellers over social network and a few other market places who would help you with domains already listed in Google News. The price would cost you depending on the demand of the website/domain.

Usually it takes around 2 to 5 days to find out whether your application is rejected or accepted. In case, it gets rejected then you have to wait for 90 more days. So make sure to give your best shot at the first attempt itself. 

So this was an easy guide for listing your Wordpess site on Google News. Follow this step by step procedure and get your site listed on Google News.

Guest Post on Google News Approved Website

I will publish a guest post on my google news approved site

Hello Everyone!! Thank you for your interest in my Gig. 

 Did you know! that getting a backlink from a Google News Approved website is 100x times better than any normal website?

Because, since it is approved by the news, it is sure that it is trusted by the Search Google-Bots. So, getting links from such site is always profitable for your site/business.

What's included in the gig?

I will arrange Niche related 600+ words Copyscape Content(You can provide content to publish too= optional).

Gig includes = Article publishing with a permanent 1 Google News Indexed Backlinks.

Hurry! Low prices are for limited time only!!


Porn, Gambling, Casino Sites are not accepted here.

Please Message me Before Placing Order

Requirements from user

URL = 1

Keyword = 1

Niche/Topic for Article (Optional you can provide article too).

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