What Do High Levels Of SGOT/SGPT In A Liver Test Mean?

What Do High Levels Of SGOT/SGPT In A Liver Test Mean?

SGOT is an acronym for Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase, and SGPT stands for Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase. These are enzymes produced by the liver and its cells. Generally, these enzymes reside within the cells of the liver and, to a lesser extent, in the muscle cells.

However, when your liver is facing additional stress due to anabolic steroids, it releases compounds called SGOT SGPT into the blood. For a healthy human being, the normal range for ALT/SGPT is from 7 to 60 units per liter of serum, and the normal range of AST/SGOT is from 6 to 40 units per litre of serum.

High levels of SGOT and SGPT are associated with the damaged condition of the liver. The liver stops releasing these two chemicals as soon as the damage stops being incurred. Standard blood screens can detect the levels of SGOT and SGPT in your blood, and doctors use the readings obtained to analyze how much damage is incurred by the liver. SGOT SGPT price ranges between Rs 80 to Rs 200 in different cities.

 Causes of high SGOT SGPT levels

Often, steroid users who use heavy steroids are more susceptible to damaging their livers, as they do not take recommended breaks, give their livers time to recover, and let the SGOT/SGPT levels drop. Though the high levels of these enzymes are majorly associated with liver injury, there can be other reasons too.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is also known as SGPT. It is generally concentrated in the liver, but it doesn't mean it is exclusively concentrated in the liver. The moment there is some injury in the liver, it is released into the bloodstream. So you can say that SGPT specifically indicates the damage in the liver.

The enzyme Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) is also known as SGOT. It is usually found in a diversity of tissues, including the heart, liver, kidney, brain, and muscle. When any of these tissues are damaged, SGOT is released into the blood. For example, SGOT enzyme levels rise in the blood due to heart attacks or muscle disorders.

Sometimes, using certain medicines related to diabetes, cholesterol, surgery, certain painkillers, etc., also increase the SGPT and SGOT levels. Even consuming alcohol can be the reason for the increased levels of these enzymes in your blood.

How to lower your SGOT SGPT levels?

Well, the liver is a remarkable glandular organ that can regenerate new cells. It performs several vital functions in your body, including protein synthesis, detoxification, metabolism, digestion, and storage.

Still, the level to which it can repair itself varies among individuals and is influenced by many factors. So it is vital to keep your liver healthy! How would you do that? Well, it is simple! With some dietary interventions and lifestyle modifications, you can keep your liver in its healthiest state.

Here are some dietary modifications to reduce your blood serum's SGPT and SGOT levels.

  •         Increase your Vitamin D intake. You should add eggs, oranges, tofu, dairy products, soy milk, liver oil, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, etc., to your routine diet.
  •         Reduce your intake of salt and sodium-rich foods.
  •         Eat organic, nutrient-rich, and plant-based foods to improve your liver health.
  •         Avoid consuming processed, deep-fried, and junk food.
  •         Add colorful veggies and fruits to your diet, as they are rich in antioxidants.
  •         Restrict alcoholic beverages as they can severely damage your liver.

Besides making the above-mentioned dietary modifications to reduce your SGOT SGPT levels, you must exercise regularly. Simple exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, and swimming prevent obesity, a common risk factor for liver problems. Also, avoid self-medication.

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