UNICEF, Safaricom Partner To Provide Youth Easy Access To Skills And Careers

UNICEF, Safaricom Partner To Provide Youth Easy Access To Skills & Careers

Kenyan youth and citizens will now be in a position to take part in critical discussions and voice their opinions thanks to the Internet of Good Things launched by UNICEF in collaboration with Safaricom.

The Internet of Good Things is a set of information and resources which promotes living better and healthier. The platform, currently accessible in over 60 countries and territories around the world, aims to help bridge the digital divide and build knowledge societies.

Free of Charge
The UNICEF-led initiative hosts mobile-packaged content from UNICEF and its partners designed to make life-saving and life-improving information available at no cost on low -end-devices and basic-web enabled mobile phones. By providing greater access to information and tools to provide feedback.

Many communities and individuals across Kenya do not have ways to easily, or without charge, access life-saving information. Adolescents, especially girls, are vulnerable to malnutrition, child marriage, female genital mutilation, physical, sexual and gender-based violence, poor access to health information, early and unintended pregnancy, HIV and AIDS and more. Without access to critical information, these challenges and vulnerabilities can continue to compound.

In Kenya, Internet of Good Things is made accessible free of data charges by Safaricom. To use the Internet of Good Things Kenya without data charges, users should access the site with a Safaricom SIM card. Browsing the site will not deduct airtime from their balance.

“We are pleased this collaboration between UNICEF Kenya and Safaricom will allow young people, caregivers, and communities to access vital information and acquire new knowledge and skills – so that more children and young people can be protected from violence, harm, and disease and can grow to their full potential. UNICEF is committed to reaching the most disadvantaged populations and marginalized communities,” says Patrizia DiGiovanni, Officer-In-Charge of UNICEF Kenya.
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