How do I start working online in Kenya and which online jobs are legit? Find out!

Online work, works

The internet is the best thing that has ever happened to this world ever since man was created. Therefore, there are some principles you need to understand to be successful in the online job you will choose.

  • Working online is a job – There is no easy money online, and you have to work just the way some of you in employment work.
  • Online jobs are for entrepreneurs – If you are going to work online, I don’t think you will ever make it if you consider it as a side hustle. You have to have the entrepreneur mentality when taking online jobs as a career.
  • Take time to learn – Even if you hold a Ph.D., you need to take the time to learn about online jobs. There are plenty of courses online that will make your life a lot easier.
  • Discipline – With discipline comes patience and with patience comes honesty; You will never make money online if you are none of those.
  • Quality – There is no doubt about the condition. The jobs you do online will require feedback from the clients; if you get poor feedback, some websites will remove you or people will not visit your site.

Which online jobs are legit?

There are plenty of activities online for Kenyans other than Facebooking and Tweeting all the time online. One perfect one being blogging where some serious Kenyans are making money.

However, a large number of Kenyans online do work on various Freelancing channels. Outlined below is what many Kenyans who work online actually do.

1. Online Writing Jobs in Kenya

I can safely say that working online in Kenya is majorly dominated by writing jobs, many Kenyans who work online basically do usually write on freelancing sites across the web.

Writing jobs are different, and the most common positions taken by Kenyans are broadly classified as Article Writing and Academic Writing.

Kenyans are not only blessed to be runners but also writers, and we write in the following fields.

Where to find Article writing Jobs Online:

This is so straight forward if you are good with writing and have the passion you can try writing online content. All you have to do is find one or multiple online accounts, create a profile and look for work to write.

I have compiled a list of sites many Kenyans are using to work online through writing. The only advice I will give is you sign up and take time on one of the places to understand it. Do exams and start applying for jobs, test it for some time and if it works for you that is fine than trying all at once where you will fail miserably.
  • Demand Media
  • Writers Domain
  • Textbroker
  • Scripted

2. Academic Writing:

I will try to differentiate the two. Article writing can encompass academic writing if you like it that way. There are many lazy college students abroad who only sit for exams and pay some people to do their homework’s, thesis, and other academic papers at a fee. Kenyans being the bright lot find these jobs satisfying enough.

The Following are places online where Kenyans get Academic Writing Jobs
  • Academia-research
  • Essay Writers
  • Essay Shark
  • Research Writing Center
  • Uvocorp
  • Writerbay
  • Freelancer writing centre
  • Allwriting
  • Edusson

There are plenty of Academic Writing Sites out there, and the pay varies from one site to another.

3. Transcription

This seems like a new hot topic in Kenya now, and every new person joining the online workforce will try out at transcription.

Transcription involves writing down what one person speaks, as an online job, your work will be to listen to audio and videos and write down the conversations.

You need to have excellent listening skills and be fast to typing and able to understand the accents of the speakers.

It is not as easy as regular writing jobs, but with time, it is the best and lucrative among online writing jobs.

There are plenty of sites that allow Kenyans to sign up with each and start working online, below are just a few where you can find Jobs.
  • Transcribe Me
  • Rev
  • Odesk
  • Elance
  • SpeechPad
  • Castingwords
  • Quicktate
  • Scribie

4. Blogging as an Online Job in Kenya

Well, in Kenya, when you mention you are a blogger, people think of the negative things that have come with the professions. People think anyone on Twitter with a large following is a blogger. No, you are wrong; I know some bloggers make noise in their bank accounts. On the other hand, other bloggers make noise on social media. So if you are thinking of being a blogger, choose to be the first type of blogger.

How can blogging be a job for you?

  • Write for an established blog or a company that have a blog
  • Start your own and focus on a Niche. It might take longer, but eventually, you will start making money.
  • Become a Vlogger – Video is the next thing after regular blogging. If you are a creative person, then start creating exciting videos and soon the corporates will come calling to your door. You can also upload videos on Youtube and get money from Google Ads.

If you think this is the right job for you, make sure you read The Biggest Blogging Challenge Most Bloggers Face

5. Social Media Influencer

Well, the best thing that has happened in our time after the invention of the internet is Social Media. It has connected people, brought businesses closer to us and has created jobs for thousands of people across the globe. Kenya is one of the most active countries on social media in Africa.

This is A career of 2017 and beyond. If you enjoy working with social networks, you understand a bit about marketing secrets and have a large following (loyal), well then you could be making money from it. Some social media influencers have such a high engagement that they even earn thousands from the big corporates around.

If you do attend media briefings, it is now common to see the people who trend on Social media in these places. Well join the #GainWith Hashtags and become a social media influencer.

6. Marketing Influencer

I consider these people to be the real influencers when it comes to online jobs; they know their stuff and can easily make sales online. Influencers have a massive following on social media and as well as their blogs. They speak as an authority in their respective fields, and they make money.

You need to be an honest person and well experienced in online matters to become one. You can be selling products you own or through Affiliate Marketing. It is worth noting that not necessarily companies pay their influencers in cash. Many of them start earning on products, discounts etc.

Online jobs in Kenya Requirements

The following are what you will need to start working Online:

1. A Computer – A desktop or laptop will do, I am yet to know anyone who works online using a phone.

2. Internet Connectivity – The term online says it; you will need useful internet. Try Orange Unlimited offer, or else ZUKU is cheap in some places in Nairobi with as low as 2000 per Month.

Safaricom and Airtel internet is useful too. When it comes to Transcription, choose one that is Fast to be able to download audio and sometimes video files.

3. Headphones – For transcribers, this is your primary tool, don’t use PC speakers or other external speakers because of the interference from the surroundings.

4. Time

5. Work Hard and Smart

IMPORTANT: Working as a freelancer will sometimes require you to write proposals or bids to win the job, you will be competing with other freelancers from different countries for that critical job.

Final Thoughts on Online Jobs in Kenya

As you have seen, many people are Working Online in Kenya.

The internet brings along excellent opportunities as well as bad ones. If you find a deal online where the prospects of making money quickly lure you I will ask you to please run because that is an internet scam.

There is no easy cash online but with hard work and being smart will earn you something, everybody who works online in Kenya will tell you that Hard Work Pays.
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