List of Approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya by TVETA

Technical Training Institutes in Kenya by TVETA

Below List of Approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya: Technical Vocational education and Training Authority (TVETA) board has begun the process of closing down all Training Institutes in Kenya that are operating illegally.

TVETA CEO indicated that many unaccredited Training Institutes in Kenya have begun admitting students ahead of the upcoming intake which has prompted the board to begin the process.

Government-sponsored students who want to study in any of the TVET listed below can apply through KUCCPS.

Find below a list of Approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya

  • Ahmed Shahame Mwidani Technical Training Institute
  • Aldai Technical Training Institute
  • Bahati Institute of business and administration Studies
  • Baringo Technical College
  • Belgut Technical and Vocational College
  • Bondo Technical Training Institute
  • Borabu Technical and Vocational College
  • Bukura Agricultural College
  • Bumbe Technical Training Institute
  • Bungoma North Technical and Vocational College
  • Bunyala Technical and Vocational College
  • Bureti Technical Training Institute
  • Bushiangala Technical Training Institute
  • Butere Technical and Vocational College
  • Center for Tourism Training and Research
  • Chamasiri Technical and Vocational College
  • Chepsirei Technical and Vocational College
  • Chuka Technical and Vocational College
  • Coast Institute of Technology
  • David M Wambuli Technical Vocational College
  • East African School of Aviation
  • Ebukanga Technical and Vocational College
  • Ekerubo gietai technical training institute
  • Eldama Ravine Technical and Vocational College
  • Eldoret Polytechnic:
  • Emining Technical Training institute
  • Emsos Technical Training Institute
  • Emurua dikirr Technical Training Institute
  • Endebess Technical Training Institute
  • Friends College Kaimosi
  • Gatanda Technical and Vocational College
  • Gatundu south Technical and Vocational College
  • Gitwebe Technical Training Institute
  • Godoma Technical Training Institute
  • Kabete National Polytechnic
  • Kaelo Technical Training Institute
  • Kagumo Teachers Training College
  • Kaiboi Technical Training Institute
  • Kajiado West Technical and Vocational College
  • Kapcherop Technical and Vocational
  • Karen Technical Training Institute for The Deaf
  • Karumo Technical Training Institute
  • Kasarani Technical and Vocational College
  • Katine Technical Training Institute
  • Kendege Technical and Vocational College:
  • Kenya Coast Polytechnic
  • Kenya Forestry College
  • Kenya Industrial Training Institute
  • Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology
  • Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
  • Kenya School of Agriculture
  • Kenya School of Revenue Administration
  • Kenya Technical Trainers College
  • Kenya Water Institute
  • Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute
  • Kericho Township Technical and Vocational college
  • Keroka Technical Training Institute
  • Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology
  • Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training College
  • Kieni Technical and Vocational College
  • Kiirua Technical Training Institute:
  • Kimasiani Technical and Vocational College
  • Kiminini Technical and Vocational College
  • Kinango Technical and Vocational College
  • Kinangop Technical and Vocational College
  • Kipipiri Technical and vocational College
  • Kipkabus Technical and Vocational College
  • Kipsinende Technical and Vocational College
  • Kipsoen Technical and Vocational College
  • Kiptaragon Technical and Vocational College
  • Kisii National Polytechnic
  • Kisiwa Technical Training Institute
  • Kisumu Polytechnic
  • Kitale National Polytechnic
  • Kongoni Technical and Vocational College
  • Koshin Technical Training Institute
  • Laikipia East Technical and Vocational College
  • Laikipia North Technical and Vocational College
  • Laisamis Technical and Vocational College
  • Lari Technical and Vocational College
  • Lodwar Technical and Vocational College
  • Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College
  • Maasai Mara Technical Vocational College
  • Mabera Technical and Vocational College
  • Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind
  • Mandera Technical Training Institute
  • Masai Technical Training Institute
  • Masinga Technical and Vocational College
  • Mathenge Technical Training Institute
  • Mathioya Technical Vocational College
  • Mathira Technical and Vocational College
  • Matili Technical Training Institute
  • Mawego Technical Training Institute
  • Meru National Polytechnic
  • Michuki Technical Training Institute
  • Mitunguu Technical Training Institute
  • Mochoi Technical and Vocational College
  • Moiben Technical Vocational College
  • Mukiria Technical Training Institute
  • Mukurweini Technical Training Institute
  • Mumias West Technical Vocational College
  • Muraga Technical and Vocational College
  • Musakasa Technical Training Institute
  • Nachu Technical and Vocational College
  • Nairobi Technical Training Institute
  • Naivasha Technical and Vocational College
  • Ndia Technical and Vocational College
  • Ngong Technical and Vocational College
  • Nkabune Technical Training Institute
  • North Eastern National Polytechnic
  • Nuu Technical and Vocational College
  • Nyakach Technical and Vocational College
  • Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology
  • Nyeri National Polytechnic
  • Okame Technical and Vocational College
  • Ol’lessos Technical Training Institute
  • Omuga Technical and Vocational College
  • PC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute
  • Railway Training Institute
  • Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology
  • Rangwe Technical and Vocational College
  • Regional Center for Mapping of Resource for Development
  • Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
  • Rift Valley Technical Training Institute
  • Riragia Technical Training Institute
  • Runyenjes Technical and Vocational College
  • Rwika Technical Institute
  • Sabatia Technical and Vocational College
  • Samburu Technical and Vocational College
  • Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology
  • Seme Technical and Vocational College
  • Shamberere Technical Training Institute
  • Siala Technical Training Institute
  • Siaya Institute of Technology
  • Sigalagala National Polytechnic
  • Sikri Technical Training Institute for The Blind and Deaf
  • Sot Technical Training Institute
  • Sotik Technical Training Institute
  • St Joseph’s Technical Institute for the Deaf Nyang’oma
  • Taveta Technical and Vocational College
  • Tetu Technical and Vocational College
  • Tharaka Technical and Vocational College
  • Thika Technical Training Institute
  • Tindiret Technical and Vocational College
  • Total Technical and Vocational College
  • Tseikuru Technical Training Institute
  • Turkan East Technical and Vocational College
  • Ugenya Technical and Vocational College
  • Ugunja Technical and Vocational College
  • Webuye West Technical and Vocational College
  • Weru Technical and Vocational College
  • Wote Technical Training Institute
  • Ziwa Technical Training Institute

Above is a verified list of approved Technical Training Institutes in Kenya by the Technical Vocational education and Training Authority (TVETA). Be aware of fake Technical Training Institutes in Kenya.
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